What’s New in 2020 Volume 4: Flutter Maps | Syncfusion Blogs
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What’s New in 2020 Volume 4: Flutter Maps

What’s New in 2020 Volume 4: Flutter Maps

Syncfusion has released 2020 Volume 4, which includes a set of exciting features for the Flutter Maps widget. It comprises both features requested by you and what we believed would best enrich the widget.

The following new features are included in our Flutter Maps:

In this blog, I will walk you through these new features one by one.

Load JSON data from different sources

From 2020 Volume 4 onward, the Flutter Maps widget allows you to load GeoJSON data in the shape layer from different sources such as files in the network, assets, and data in memory, depending on the requirements of your Flutter application.

For more details about this feature, please refer to this documentation link.

Tooltip for markers

We provided tooltip support for bubbles and shapes in the shape layer in our previous releases to display additional information. In addition to this, we have now provided tooltip support for markers on maps with complete customization. This is applicable for markers on both the shape and the tile layers.

This feature is shown in the following screenshot.

Customized Tooltip for Markers in Shape Layer
Customized Tooltip for Markers in Shape Layer

To learn more about this feature, please refer to our user guide.

Bar legend with gradient

In addition to the existing legend style, you can now use a new, stunning, bar-style legend in this release. You can render the bar-style legend for data rendered in map shapes or bubbles. You can also customize the positions and formats of the labels in the bar legend as needed.

Refer to the following screenshot.

Bar Legend Support in Flutter Maps
Bar Legend Support in Flutter Maps

Gradient background

You can also easily render the bar legend with a gradient background. You can use different gradient colors to show changes in the regional data from lower to higher values or vice versa.

Refer to the following screenshot.

Bar Legend with Gradient Support
Bar Legend with Gradient Support

To know more about this feature, please refer to this link.

Shape sublayer

This feature allows you to add a shape sublayer with GeoJSON data on another shape or tile layer. With this feature, you can show more details about a particular region. It also supports all the existing features of the main shape layer to provide deep customization options.

In the shape layer

As mentioned, you can easily add a shape layer as a sublayer of another shape layer in the Flutter Maps widget. You can also add elements like markers, bubbles, tooltips, and data labels; customize the colors based on the data; and enable selection for the inner shapes.

In the following image, the African and Australian continents are added as the sublayer of the world map.

Map with Africa and Australia Added as a Sublayer
Map with Africa and Australia Added as a Sublayer

In the tile layer

Likewise, you can also add a shape layer as a sublayer to a tile layer in the Flutter Maps widget. You may have already known that some features, like bubbles, data labels, shape selection, and  setting colors based on a region’s data are not directly possible in the tile layer. However, using a shape sublayer on top of the tile layer will allow you to use these features. In the following image, Thailand is a shape sublayer that is added on top of the tile layer.

Map with Thailand Added as a Sublayer
Map with Thailand Added as a Sublayer

To learn more about these features, please refer to this link.

Vector shapes

This feature allows you to add shapes like:

  • Lines and polylines to show road routes.
  • Arcs to show ship or air routes.
  • Polygons and circles to highlight a particular region.

Note: All these shapes can be added to both the shape and the tile layers of the Flutter Maps widget.

The following images are examples of adding polylines and arcs in the shape and tile layers, respectively.

Polylines in the Shape Layer
Polylines in the Shape Layer
Arcs in the Tile Layer
Arcs in the Tile Layer

For more details about these features, please refer to this link.


In this blog post, we briefly covered some of the major features included in our Flutter Maps widget for the 2020 Volume 4 release. Try out the widget and its new features for yourself and share your feedback in the comments section below.

You can check out the other new widgets and features added to this release on our What’s New page. Peruse the complete user guide and see the samples available at this GitHub location. Additionally, you can download our demo apps from Google PlayApp Store, and on our website.

If you need a new widget for the Flutter framework or new features in our existing widgets, you can contact us through our support forumsDirect-Trac, or feedback portal. As always, we are happy to assist you!


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