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Top Ten Timeless Titles: The Succinctly Series

Anyone in our line of business knows that the world of technology changes almost faster than we can keep up. This was one of the reasons we decided to produce the Succinctly series of e-books—so that the technology you were slogging through a $200, 500-page textbook to learn didn’t change before you finished the book. Another reason we produce the Succinctly series is so that you don’t have to slog through a $200, 500-page textbook for any technology.

While some of our early e-books may be out of date or mostly obsolete by now, we’d like to introduce you to a few of them that we consider classics. Check out the top 10 timeless e-books in the Succinctly series that readers have found steadily useful:

HTTP Succinctly

by Scott Allen

With HTTP Succinctly, you’ll learn all about the foundational protocol you likely use on a daily basis, perhaps without realizing what goes on behind the scenes.

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Statistics Fundamentals Succinctly

By Katharine Alexis Kormanik

Statistics Fundamentals Succinctly provides the foundational bricks and mortar needed to master the theories and methodologies behind statistical procedures that are the foundation of data analysis.

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R Programming Succinctly

By James McCaffrey

The R programming language is already a powerful statistical tool, and by writing programs in it, you gain tremendous power and flexibility to extend its base functionality.

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Python Succinctly

By Jason Cannon

Python Succinctly will guide you from complete unfamiliarity with Python to creating practical applications.

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C# Succinctly

By Joe Mayo

With C# Succinctly, you will quickly learn the syntax you need to build your own C# web, desktop, and mobile applications.

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MATLAB Succinctly

By Dmitri Nesteruk

In MATLAB Succinctly, learn to harness the power of the flexible MATLAB system’s different toolboxes.

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Imperative to Functional Programming Succinctly

By Marc Clifton

With Imperative to Functional Programming Succinctly, you will learn how to combine functional and imperative programming to get the most out of your solutions.

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Assembly Language Succinctly

By Christopher Rose

With Assembly Language Succinctly, you’ll learn how to write x64 assembly for modern CPUs, useful when you’re looking to maximize performance.

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Accounting Succinctly

By Joe Booth

Accounting Succinctly is a developer’s guide to basic accounting written with business app development in mind.

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Unit Testing Succinctly

By Marc Clifton

With Unit Testing Succinctly, you’ll learn what you need to know to leverage unit testing and minimize the number of bugs introduced in development.

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And, of course, all titles in the Succinctly series are free to download for everyone, and always will be. If you found one of these classic Succinctly e-books useful, let us and future readers know in the comments below.


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