Top ASP.NET Core-Based Open-Source App Projects
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Awesome List of Top ASP.NET Core-Based Open-Source Application Projects

Top ASP.NET Core-Based Open-Source App Projects

TL;DR: Looking to turbocharge your ASP.NET Core development? Explore 18 incredible open-source projects showcasing real-world applications, diverse architectures, and the latest development patterns. Get ready to elevate your skills and unlock the full potential of ASP.NET Core!

Open-source projects are great for getting started and serve as a good source for architecture reference. There are several open-source ASP.NET Core projects available in GitHub. These projects will help you learn ASP.NET Core technology in-depth, with different types of architecture and coding patterns. Some of the top real-time applications or sample architecture reference projects across different categories are listed in this article.

What are you waiting for? Check out these projects and get started!

1. nopCommerce

nopCommerce is a popular open-source e-commerce shopping cart application. It is stable and supports several customizations to suit your needs. There are several plugins available to enhance it.

  • Domain: E-commerce
  • Type: Real-time application
  • License: GPLv3 license plus the “powered by nopCommerce” text requirement on each page
  • GitHub: nopCommerce
  • Stars: 5.2k

2. OrchardCore

OrchardCore is an open-source content management system (CMS) framework supporting modularity and multitenancy.

  • Domain: CMS
  • Type: Real-time application
  • License: BSD 3-Clause
  • GitHub: OrchardCore
  • Stars: 4.3k

3. SimplCommerce

SimplCommerce is a modular, microservice-based e-commerce app, built using ASP.NET Core.

  • Domain: E-commerce
  • Type: Real-time application
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • GitHub: SimplCommerce
  • Stars: 2.8k

4. squidex

squidex is a headless CMS and content management hub, built using ASP.NET Core with OData and CQRS patterns.

  • Domain: CMS
  • Type: Real-time application
  • License: MIT
  • GitHub: Squidex
  • Stars: 1.2k

5. Miniblog.Core

Miniblog.Core is a blog engine based on ASP.NET Core.

  • Domain: Blog engine
  • Type: Real-time application
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • GitHub: Miniblog.Core
  • Stars: 985

6. piranha.core

piranha.core is a CMS application based on ASP.NET Core.

  • Domain: CMS
  • Type: Real-time application
  • License: MIT
  • GitHub: piranha.core
  • Stars: 1k

7. Blogifier

Blogifier is a lightweight blog engine written in ASP.NET Core.

  • Domain: Blog engine
  • Type: Real-time app
  • License: MIT
  • GitHub: Blogifier
  • Stars: 675

8. eShopOnContainers

eShopOnContainers is a sample reference application demonstrating various architecture patterns of container-based microservices by Microsoft.

  • Architecture: Container-based microservices
  • Type: Reference application
  • License: MIT
  • Github: eShopOnContainers
  • Stars: 15.1k

9. eShopOnWeb

eShopOnWeb is a sample reference application demonstrating monolithic architecture powered by Microsoft.

  • Architecture: Monolithic
  • Type: Reference application
  • License: MIT
  • GitHub: eShopOnWeb
  • Stars: 4.9k

10. practical-aspnetcore

practical-aspnetcore is a practical sample for ASP.NET Core.

11. NorthwindTraders

NorthwindTraders is a sample reference application for domain-driven architecture using Entity Framework and CQRS pattern.

  • Architecture: Clean architecture, DDD, CQRS
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: MIT
  • Github: NorthwindTraders
  • Stars: 4k

12. ReactiveTraderCloud

ReactiveTraderCloud is a real-time trading application demonstrating reactive programming principles.

  • Architecture: Reactive programming
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Github: ReactiveTraderCloud
  • Stars: 1.4k

13. coolstore-microservices

coolstore-microservices is a sample application demonstrating the use of Kubernetes using a service mesh.

  • Architecture: Kubernetes-based microservice using service mesh
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: MIT
  • Github: coolstore-microservices
  • Stars: 1.5k

14. cloudscribe

cloudscribe is a foundation framework for building a multitenant app.

  • Architecture: Multitenant framework
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Github: cloudscribe
  • Stars: 925

15. clean-architecture-manga

clean-architecture-manga is a clean architecture sample app.

  • Architecture: Clean architecture
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: Apache
  • GitHubclean-architecture-manga
  • Stars: 2.2k

16. StarWars

StarWars is a GraphQL-based ASP.NET Core Star Wars app.

  • Architecture: GraphQL
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: MIT
  • GitHub: StarWars
  • Stars: 527

17. sample-dotnet-core-cqrs-api

sample-dotnet-core-cqrs-api is a sample project demonstrating the use of Rest API clean architecture with the CQRS pattern.

  • Architecture: Clean architecture, DDD, CQRS
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: Not specified
  • GitHub: Sample .NET Core CQRS API
  • Stars: 916

18. Pos

Pos is a sample project demonstrating the use of microservices.

  • Architecture: Microservices, DDD, CQRS
  • Type: Sample reference application
  • License: Not specified
  • GitHub: POS
  • Stars: 187


Apart from these apps, you can check out some more awesome .NET Core libraries, tools, and frameworks on this GitHub page.

Syncfusion provides 80+ high-performance, lightweight, modular, and responsive ASP.NET Core UI controls such as DataGrid, Charts, and Scheduler. You can use these controls in your application development.

If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments section. You can also contact us through our Support Forum, Support Portal, or Feedback Portal. We are happy to assist you!

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Comments (9)

The Github link and Stars for practical-aspnetcore is the same as eShopOnWeb 🙂

Thanks for pointing out. It has been corrected now.


I think after over 4 years of development, it’s worth to mention GrandNode. If it’s possible to add it to that list, it would be fantastic! Below you can find information about it in the same pattern that you’ve provided.

GrandNode is the most advanced and modern e-commerce platform built on the newest version of .NET Core and MongoDB. The highest code quality, combined with the detailed testing approach and with a pinch of a huge number of features is a recipe for success. No more need to create store with enormous number of third party plugins, rely on the widest range of implemented functionalities at the market.

Domain: E-commerce
Type: Real-time application
License: GPLv3 license plus the “GrandNode – powered by nopCommerce” text requirement on each page
Stars: 1k

Leonardo Ferreira
Leonardo Ferreira

Yeah, Grandnode is worth mention IMHO… One more thing: SimplCommerce is not microservices (not anymore at least)

@Leonardo – At the time of writing this article it was, might be recently they have changed architecture. And still it is worth to have it as a reference.

Hi ,
Is there an open source in .Net for shipping and logistic purposes ?

HI Evad,

I couldn’t find much for your domain, You can check out this if it helps

Also can check out this, although it is not specific to ASP.NET Core

NopCommerce/SimplCommerce might also have a submodule/external plugin related to Shipping and Logistics.


Alexander Bikkuzhin
Alexander Bikkuzhin

Really awesome list. Thanks a lot.

p.s. Thumb up for the Grandnode

Thank you for writing such an awesome blog.

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