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How do I show tooltips for the listview items?

Platform: WPF| Category: ListView

You can do so by first defining a DataTemplate for the corresponding columns as follows. Sample code can be seen with better formatting in this thread (ListView Column ToolTip)

<Page xmlns=''
            <DataTemplate x:Key='nameTemplate'>
                <TextBlock Text='{Binding Name}'  Margin='-6,0'>
                            <TextBlock Foreground='Green' Text='{Binding Name}'/>
            <DataTemplate x:Key='namespaceTemplate'>
                <TextBlock Text='{Binding Namespace}'  Margin='-6,0'>
                            <TextBlock Foreground='Green' Text='{Binding Namespace}'/>
                <Style TargetType='ListViewItem'>
                    <Setter Property='HorizontalContentAlignment' Value='Stretch'/>
                    <Setter Property='VerticalContentAlignment' Value='Stretch'/>
                    <GridViewColumn CellTemplate='{StaticResource nameTemplate}' Width='300' Header='Name'/>
                    <GridViewColumn CellTemplate='{StaticResource namespaceTemplate}' Width='300' Header='Namespace'/>
            <x:Type TypeName='Visual'/>
            <x:Type TypeName='FrameworkElement'/>
            <x:Type TypeName='FrameworkContentElement'/>

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