The text can be made to scroll using the javascript codings as below.
<title> Scrolling Text On Window Status Bar </title>
<script language='javascript'>
// Scrolling Status Bar
var delay = 60;
var message = 'Syncfusion - .Net Essentials';
message += ' Text Scrolling In Window Status Bar';
var spaceslength = 130;
var spaces = '';
for (var c = 0; c < spaceslength; c++)
spaces += ' ';
function init()
timer = setTimeout(’scroll(130)’, 500);
function scroll(position)
var startMessage = '';
var cmd = '';
if (position > spaceslength)
cmd = 'scroll(' + position + ')';
timer = setTimeout(cmd, delay);
else if (position <= spaceslength && position > 0)
startMessage = spaces.substring(0, position);
startMessage += message;
cmd = 'scroll(' + position + ')';
window.status = startMessage;
timer = setTimeout(cmd, delay);
else if (position <= 0)
if (-position < message.length)
startMessage += message.substring(-position, message.length);
startMessage += spaces.substring(0, spaces.length / 4);
startMessage += message;
cmd = 'scroll(' + position + ')';
window.status = startMessage;
timer = setTimeout(cmd, delay*3);
cmd = 'scroll(' + spaces.length / 4 + ')';
timer = setTimeout(cmd, delay);
<body bgcolor='#ffffff' onLoad='init()'>
<h4>JavaScript Demonstration- Scrolling Text On Window Status Bar</h4>
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