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How can I add a style to a TabItem that is used in the TabControl ?

Platform: WPF| Category: TabControl

Here is a custom style that changes the look and feel of the tabs (TabItems) in the corresponding window.


<Style TargetType='TabItem'>
  <Setter Property='BorderThickness' Value='3'/>
  <Setter Property='BorderBrush' Value='Red'/>
  <Setter Property='Background' Value='LightBlue'/>
  <Setter Property='VerticalContentAlignment' Value='Center'/>
  <Setter Property='HorizontalContentAlignment' Value='Center'/>
  <Setter Property='Template'>
      <ControlTemplate TargetType='{x:Type TabItem}'>
              <Border CornerRadius='3,3,0,0' Background='{TemplateBinding Background}' 
                   BorderBrush='{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}' 
                   BorderThickness='{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}'/>
            <Border BorderThickness='{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}' 
                 Padding='{TemplateBinding Padding}'>
              <ContentPresenter ContentSource='Header' 
                 HorizontalAlignment='{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}' 
                 VerticalAlignment='{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}'/>

This is how the tabs look with the above style applied on them:

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