What’s New in 2021 Volume 2: WinUI | Syncfusion Blogs
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What’s New in 2021 Volume 2: WinUI

What’s New in 2021 Volume 2: WinUI

The Syncfusion WinUI toolkit includes feature-rich controls like DataGrid, Charts, and TreeView that embody the Fluent design for building modern and seamless Windows apps. The 2021 Volume 2 release contains a new control, features requested, and features we thought would be greatly helpful for our customers for the WinUI platform.

Let’s briefly look at each major change included in this release.

Production-ready controls

The following WinUI controls are marked as production-ready for desktop apps in the 2021 Volume 2 release:


The new WinUI NumberBox allows users to edit the numerical values. Its rich feature set includes functionalities such as number formatting, multiple cultures, watermarks, and up and down buttons.

Key features

  • Number formats: Edits numbers in currency, percentage, decimal, and other kinds of custom formats.
  • Globalization: Automatically changes the formatting style based on the specified culture.
  • Restrictions: Supports built-in validations, such as:
    • Accept only numerical input.
    • Accept only input within a minimum and maximum.
    • Prevent empty inputs.
    • Disable editing.
  • Watermark: Displays a hint of what is expected when the filed input is empty.
  • Up down buttons: Increases or decreases the numbers at specified intervals.
New WinUI NumberBox Control
New WinUI NumberBox Control


Week numbers

The WinUI Calendar can now be enabled to show week numbers. You can also easily format the week numbers.

Displaying Week Numbers in WinUI Calendar
Displaying Week Numbers in WinUI Calendar


Date column

The WinUI CalendarDatePicker editor control is integrated into the WinUI DataGrid control to easily edit or select dates in date columns.

Refer to the following screenshot.

Displaying CalendarDatePicker Editor in WinUI DataGrid
Displaying CalendarDatePicker Editor in WinUI DataGrid


Vertical orientation

From the 2021 Volume 2 release onward, the WinUI Slider control supports vertical orientation. Also, all the existing applicable features like labels, ticks, dividers, icons in the thumb, and tooltips are available in the vertical orientation.

Vertical Orientation Support in WinUI Slider
Vertical Orientation Support in WinUI Slider

Range slider

Vertical orientation

Like the Slider control, the WinUI Range Slider supports vertical orientation. All the existing applicable features like labels, ticks, dividers, icons in the thumb, and tooltips are available in the vertical orientation, too.

Vertical Orientation Support in WinUI Range Slider
Vertical Orientation Support in WinUI Range Slider


Background and foreground color editors

Now, you can edit the appointment background and foreground colors using the WinUI Scheduler’s built-in appointment editor.

Refer to the following screenshot.

Background and Foreground Color Editors in WinUI Scheduler
Background and Foreground Color Editors in WinUI Scheduler


The WinUI TreeView control provides these useful features in the 2021 Volume 2 release:

Select or deselect nodes

This feature allows the users to select or deselect nodes at load time or dynamically from the code.

Select nodes on right-click

We have exposed an API that allows users to select a node by right-clicking it.


Thanks for reading! We have discussed the new control and notable feature enhancements rolled out in our Syncfusion WinUI controls in the 2021 Volume 2 release. You can check all the available new features in our Release Notes and on the What’s New page.

Explore samples of the WinUI control from this GitHub location. Additionally, you can download and check out our demo app in the App Center.

If you need any control or feature in our WinUI suite, please let us know in the comments section of this blog post. You can also contact us through our support forumsDirect-Trac, or feedback portal. We are always happy to assist you!

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