What we owe to Steve Jobs | Syncfusion Blogs
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What we owe to Steve Jobs

As you are all probably aware by now, Steve Jobs died a couple of weeks ago due to health reasons. This is really sad news for anyone connected to computers, enjoying his modern user-interfaces, modern-day typography, smart phones, printers, handheld music players, and the Toy Story movie series.

One of his greatest achievements is that Apple only earned fans, not usual customers. He made this possible by shipping insanely great products.

This particular YouTube video is considered to be one of his most inspirational speeches: http://goo.gl/IgYAX. It might be kind of scary, but it’s true. Take a look at what this Digital Trends article says:

;“In a recently screened BBC documentary, UK neuroscientists suggested that the brains of Apple devotees are stimulated by Apple imagery in the same way that the brains of religious people are stimulated by religious imagery.”

Read the full article at http://goo.gl/p4a37.

Over the years, Steve broke lot of industrial myths. Some of them are:

  • While the rest of the companies look for 10% percent improvement with their products when compared to products currently available in the market, Steve was able to think of new products that were totally different (for example, iPhone and iPad).
  • While the menu for a product is driven from market price, Steve took a rather different approach and created a unique value for Apple products by not sacrificing product quality.

Finally, here is the timeline of Steve Jobs. So please take a moment to think about Steve Jobs and his product, since every one of us is connected to him in some way.


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