The 2017 Succinctly Series Awards | Syncfusion Blogs
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The 2017 Succinctly Series Awards

It is with great pride that we at Syncfusion announce the results of the 2017 Succinctly Readers Awards. We polled our readers to find the most popular Succinctly series e-books of the year, and now we can share the results.

The gold winner is Xamarin.Forms Succinctly by Alessandro del Sole. This e-book helps readers create common code bases for deployment to iOS, Android, and Windows Phone devices, as well as offering a way to become familiar with some of the 40 controls included in Xamarin.Forms. As a way to improve productivity and reduce redundant development, Xamarin.Forms Succinctly is one of our best offerings.

The silver winner is ASP.NET Core Succinctly by Simone Chiaretta and Ugo Lattanzi. By providing guidance on developing ASP.NET applications on Windows, Mac, and Linux, this e-book is an absolute must-read for anyone looking to expand their output.

The bronze winner, Angular 2 Succinctly, by Joe Booth, is one of our most practical books. It guides readers through the entire development process for producing a web app, making it one of the most efficient and thorough entries in the Succinctly canon.

These e-books were selected by our readers as the best that the Succinctly series had to offer in 2017, and we’re thrilled with their reception. Now that 2018 is in full swing, we’re excited to share even more Succinctly series e-books with you. And don’t forget to get a jump-start on your development goals by browsing the Succinctly library for books that can help you in 2018!


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