Syncfusion Is Exhibiting at ng-India | Syncfusion Blogs
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Syncfusion is excited to announce that we will be sponsoring and exhibiting at ng-India this year. India’s largest Angular conference will take place February 23 at the Fortune Select Excalibur Hotel in Gurgaon, organized by the offline development community geek97. It’s already sold out, so we’re looking forward to a full crowd of India’s most Angular-savvy developers to chat with!

ng-India conference technologies

ng-India Features Sessions on Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, and More

This conference keeps growing, with 16 Angular and JavaScript experts from seven countries speaking this year. That’s five more than last year. Four of Syncfusion’s own Angular developers will be attending the conference to take in the wisdom of these presenters. They’ll also be hosting a booth to demonstrate Syncfusion’s current Angular suite, answer any questions fellow developers may have about it in person, and discuss what kinds of controls they’d find most useful in future releases.

We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for our Angular toolkit. Feel free to stop by the booth or join the conversation on social media at @Syncfusion.

Syncfusion is happy to contribute to the Angular community. We hope that those of you attending will stop by to say hello to our developers, Sumankumar, Uma, Gowrimathi, and Mahalakshmi, and pick up some free merchandise. Let us know in the comments below, or on Facebook or Twitter, what you’re looking forward to at ng-India, or what you liked best if you’re reading this after attending.

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Jacqueline Bieringer

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Jacqueline Bieringer