Syncfusion Controls Support .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 | Syncfusion Blogs
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Syncfusion Controls Support .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022

Syncfusion Controls Support .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022

Hooray! The stable release of .NET 6 is now officially available. This latest evolution from Microsoft brings a lot of improvements and features to multiple platforms, such as web, desktop, mobile, etc. It is important to note that Microsoft has promised to support .NET 6 till November 2024.

Also, the stable version of Visual Studio 2022 was released with a lot of exciting features for developers.

We at Syncfusion always make sure our products are compatible and have support for the latest releases from Microsoft. Likewise, we are happy to say that our Blazor, ASP.NET Core, WPF, and WinForms suites are compatible with the latest stable release of .NET 6 and work fine with the latest version of Visual Studio 2022.

The following sections will briefly discuss important changes related to Syncfusion controls to be noted for developers working with .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022.

Essentials for developing .NET 6 apps with Syncfusion controls

PlatformNuGet PackageInstalled assembly locationToolbox support in VS 2022
BlazorInstall Blazor NuGet Packages{Installed location}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\Blazor\x.x.x.x\precompiledassemblies\net5.0NA
ASP.NET CoreInstall ASP.NET Core NuGet Packages{Installed location}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ASP.NET Core\x.x.x.x\precompiledassemblies\net5.0NA
WPFInstall WPF NuGet Packages{Installed location}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\WPF\x.x.x.x\precompiledassemblies\net5.0Yes
WinFormsInstall WinForms NuGet Packages{Installed location}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\WinForms\x.x.x.x\precompiledassemblies\net5.0Yes

GitHub reference

We have already added .NET 6 projects to our samples on GitHub, but our latest installer will not have these projects. We will add these projects in our upcoming Volume 4, 2021 release.

Extension support for Visual Studio 2022

We wrote a separate blog “Syncfusion Visual Studio Extensions Are Now Compatible with Visual Studio 2022.” Please note that currently, these extensions do not support creating projects for .NET 6. We assure you that this support will be available in our upcoming Volume 4, 2021 release, which is scheduled for release by the end of December.


Thanks for reading! In this blog post, we have discussed our support for Microsoft’s latest stable releases of .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 in the Syncfusion suites. Now use our controls to build elite applications!

If you aren’t a Syncfusion customer yet, you can start a 30-day free trial to check out our features. Also, we encourage you to try our examples on GitHub.

If you would like to submit any questions, please feel free to contact us through our support forumsfeedback portal, or support portal. We are always happy to assist you!

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