Syncfusion at Xamarin Evolve 2014 | Syncfusion Blogs
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Syncfusion is thrilled to be attending the Xamarin Evolve 2014 conference in Atlanta next week. We’ll be showing live demos of our controls, giving away great prizes, and sharing exciting details about upcoming products.

This is the second annual Evolve conference, and although its main focus is mobile development, it promises something for every developer. Topics of interest to mobile devs include sessions on cross-platform applications, best practices, iOS and Android apps, and of course, apps built with Xamarin. However, the sold-out conference will also feature sessions on gaming, enterprise apps, and wearable tech.

This year’s speakers represent a range of software industry leaders. Xamarin’s Speaker Spotlight series has provided insight on several of these accomplished individuals, including Xamarin MVP Jonathan Peppers, software engineer Rachel Reese, C# hacker Paul Betts, and author Joe Mayo.

In addition to these informative sessions, attendees will also have access to the Darwin Lounge, where they can relax or take part in code challenges. One-on-one training with Xamarin engineers is available, too.

If you did not get tickets to Evolve, don’t worry—you can still watch the live stream of the keynote address here on October 8. Speaker Nat Friedman, CEO of Xamarin, is expected to begin his address at 9 a.m. EST.

If you’re going to Evolve, be sure to stop by the Syncfusion booth to see our controls in action! To join the conversation, use the hashtag #XamarinEvolve on Twitter.

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