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Linux Hosts JavaScript Foundation

The Linux Foundation has announced that it is creating the JS Foundation, a Linux Foundation Project. The purpose of the JS Foundation is to provide guidance regarding best practices when creating JavaScript projects, and is part of the continued support for common standards and practices that the Linux Foundation encourages. The importance of JavaScript as a programming language that is used in many essential applications also makes the fostering of community guidelines a valuable goal.

In addition, the JS Foundation will feature an open technical governance structure and mentorship program to foster long-term JavaScript application development. The JS Foundation will work closely with the Node.js Foundation in order to help the Node.js Foundation more fully support third-party packages.  Finally, there are five key goals that the JS Foundation hopes to reach:

  • Drive the adoption and development of JavaScript solutions.
  • Foster cooperation in the JavaScript community.
  • Serve as a hub for open-source projects in the JavaScript community and guide those projects towards community standards.
  • Host infrastructure for JS Foundation projects.
  • Enable an open and accessible web.

We at Syncfusion are always happy to see the development community come together to develop standards and best practices. We support JavaScript and Node.js development in several of our Essential Studio suites, and we offer components that can be deployed in Linux environments. Furthermore, we support communal knowledge through our Succinctly series of e-books. We hope that the effort of the JS Foundation strengthens the JavaScript community, and, as ever, we look forward to seeing the amazing projects that the community will produce. If you have a JavaScript project you’d like to share, or thoughts on the JS Foundation, let us know on Twitter or Facebook, or in the comments below.  


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