A Closer Look at Windows 10 | Syncfusion Blogs
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Today’s Windows 10 brief included a lot of exciting announcements for Windows developers and users. We got a preview of Cortana for desktop, and learned that Windows 7 and 8.1 users will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

We also learned that this version of Windows will reinforce Microsoft’s commitment to a seamless user experience across devices, including phones, tablets, desktops, and the Xbox. Windows 10 will even recognize when you dock your tablet to a keyboard, and change the interface from a touchscreen to desktop, ensuring you can pick up where you left off.

However, our favorite part of the briefing came at the beginning, when Terry Myerson explained that the next generation of Windows has largely been shaped by the feedback from the developer community. At Syncfusion, our users have always been our main source of inspiration. In fact, each of our quarterly release updates to Essential Studio Enterprise Edition contains dozens of features that were requested by customers.

If you’d like to request a new feature, or have ideas for how to update existing Syncfusion controls, you can do so now by logging in to Direct-Trac.

Support through Direct-Trac is also included in our new Community License for Essential Studio, and we hope all individual developers and small business owners will take the time to check it out. We would love to see what you can do with our controls, and welcome feedback from each of you as we continue to grow and improve the suite.

To join the #Windows10 discussion and learn more about what we’ve got planned for 2015, be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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