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Multiple Column Header Rows in GridGroupingControl (VS2005)

Is this possible? Searching the documentation on this sight is very difficult as it always jumps accross products (ie. the multiple variants of the grid).

I cant seem to find a way to do mutltiple rows of column headers. I have a grid that requires 40 or so columns that are logically grouped. Using a spanning header to indicate column groups would be great. Is something like this possible with the GridGroupingControl??? (see example below)

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1 Reply

HA haneefm Syncfusion Team April 27, 2007 05:55 PM UTC

Hi Miguel,

We have newly added the Stacked Multiheaders support in Essential Grid v5.1. This feature allows you to create additional header rows that span across visible grid columns. You can group some columns under each header row. It also supports Drag/ Drop of these header rows. Grouped columns will be also be rearranged along with the header.

Here is a sample.

Also refer to the below forum thread for more details.

Best regards,

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