I am trying to set the Height of the popup height as so (Below) but get a compile error, without the popup height the code compiles fine
<div class="ix-search ix-search-input">
<ejs-autocomplete id='combinedIssuerSearch' #searchCombinedIssuers
<ng-template #itemTemplate let-data>
<!--set the value to itemTemplate property-->
<div class='item'>
<div class='issuer-name'> {{data.Name}}</div>
<div class="ls_spv">{{data.Structure != 'SPV' ? 'BT' : data.Structure}}</div>
<ng-template #noRecordsTemplate let-data>
No Issuer Available
Hi Jawahar,
Based on your shared code example, The brackets, [], cause Angular to evaluate the right-hand side of the assignment as a dynamic expression. So, the value of 350px consider as string which is the reason the issue replicated. In this scenario we suggest you update the height value without brackets to resolve the issue.
Find the code example here:
<ejs-autocomplete id="games" #sample [dataSource]="sportsData" [(value)]="value" [placeholder]="waterMark" [fields]="fields" (change)="onChange($event)" popupHeight="350px" ></ejs-autocomplete>
Find the sample here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mxhnhz?file=src%2Fapp.component.html
To know more about the angular property binding syntax, refer to the documentation link: https://angular.io/guide/property-binding
Sureshkumar P
Hello Sureshkumar,
Thanks for your help, I should have realized that the angular [] will cause it to evaluate the expression
Sorry about this
Hi Jawahar,
Glad to know that your issue has been resolved. We are marking this as solved.