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Pivot View freezing when "allowDeferLayoutUpdate" is enabled

Hello team!

I have a dataset of 200k records to render in the pivotview component with the "showFieldList" option enabled. Everything works as expected unless I enable the option "allowDeferLayoutUpdate", when it is enabled the pivotview freezes for about 2~3s whenever the user performs the drill down/roll up/scroll operations. In other words, the option "allowDeferLayoutUpdatedeteriorates the overall performance of the table.

Is this behavior normal for the pivotview component? 

I would like to be able to use the FieldList with the "allowDeferLayoutUpdate" option enabled without compromising the performance of roll up/drill down/scroll operations.


Attachment: Screenshot_20230120_150014_648bcbdd.7z

1 Reply

AP AngelinFaithSheeba PaulvannanRajadurai Syncfusion Team January 23, 2023 11:50 AM UTC

Hi Adonias,

We have checked the reported problem and we are unable to reproduce it at our end. Please refer the below video and sample that we checked.


Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-thwonw-lxy5sn?file=src%2Fapp.component.ts,src%2Fapp.component.html


If the problem persists, please reproduce it in the provided sample and revert to us (or) send your runnable sample with the data source that replicates the problem. This would allow us to investigate the reported  problem at our end and provide a solution as soon as possible.
Angelin Faith Sheeba.

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