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Editor Autocomplete Mixed Functionality

Hi there. I'm developing a mobile app in the Xamarin technology and looking for control functionality that is a bit of a mix between autocomplete and text entry.
I need to allow users to type instructions, in a sense, into what would normally be an Editor type control but also, depending on a set of keywords, offer up auto-suggest/autocomplete options for optional tags/tokens in the text. Similar functionality to how Instagram or Facebook will suggest friend names to tag and then highlight the tag as a separate token within the text.
So, for instance, a sample displayed text might be like "Sample set of instructions for Basil or Oregano".

Is this similar to existing functionality within the control set? Or would I have to do custom development within the Editor itself? If anyone has any suggestion on what this terminology is actually called to assist in other searches for a solution, please let me know.


2 Replies

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team January 10, 2020 12:49 PM UTC

Hi Adam, 

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We are analyzing the feasibility of the features “Mentioning (@ ) and Hashtags( # ) ” in SfRichTextEditor control and will update you further details on 14th January 2020. 

Devaraj S 

DB Dilli Babu Nandha Gopal Syncfusion Team January 21, 2020 01:58 PM UTC

Hi Adam, 
On analyzing, we found that the features “Mentioning (@ ) and Hashtags( # ) ” in SfRichTextEditor control can provided by implementing the Key-Preview event support. Currently, we don’t have any immediate plans to implement this feature. At the planning stage for every release cycle, we review all open features. We will let you know when this feature is implemented. The status of this implementation can be tracked using following link. 
Dilli babu. 

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