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Is PivotView similar to WebDataRocks?

I am just getting started with the Pivot Table/View control in JS. All the demos I have seen seem to have a declaration for the rows, columns and values. Without which the pivot view does not render.
With WebDataRocks (or FlexMonster) control we are using, we just supply it with a JSON data and do not have to specify anything else.
Also, there is a Grid view in their pivot control. So I can just render the complete row/column data set in a table format.
In either case, there is no need to specify column or row names or value fields before hand.

This works great for us as we use it for dynamic data sets. Is this something that Syncfusion's JS Pivot Table/View can do?

5 Replies

SN Sivamathi Natarajan Syncfusion Team December 16, 2019 08:47 AM UTC

Hi Johnny, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
As per the behavior of Syncfusion Pivot Table, an empty table will be rendered if data source alone specified in its report. Later you can specify columns, rows, filters and values dynamically in the report with the help of field list option. The pivot table will be refreshed based on the updated report. We have prepared a sample for your reference. 
Please check the below screenshot. Without row and column declaration you will get the empty grid view. 
We hope that the above sample will meet your requirement. 

JO johnny December 17, 2019 08:48 AM UTC

Hi Sivamathi,
Thanks for the explanation. I was seeing the similar UI, but did not notice the field list option. Thanks for the sample. This works as I was hoping.
Another part of my question was to view the data in source as a regular row/column table. Is there a "mode" to do that with the PivotTable?

SN Sivamathi Natarajan Syncfusion Team December 18, 2019 09:29 AM UTC

Hi Johnny, 
Thanks for the reply. 
We suspect that your requirement is to view the raw data in flat table like data grid control. But, the pivot table control doesn’t have option to display the flat table. But you can achieve your requirement by binding the raw data to data grid control externally. 
If the above response doesn’t matches your query then provide us more information about your requirement with screen-shots/video (if possible). 

JO johnny December 19, 2019 08:52 AM UTC

Thanks for the reply. Grid view - that's exactly what I am after. But, I was looking for an integrated experience like in WebDataRocks.
In WDR I can switch between grid & pivot on the fly. For my use case, I keep my data in GRID mode by default. And user can modify the table as per their liking.

You can test out the demo they have on their website here:
This control has a LAYOUT option which enable the switching.

SN Sivamathi Natarajan Syncfusion Team December 19, 2019 02:47 PM UTC

Thanks for the reply. 
Currently, the pivot table only supports “Excel-like layout”. But, we have planned to implement “Classics layout”. And, it will be available in any of the upcoming release. We will consider your requirement during the implementation. You can track the same by using the following link:   
We appreciate your patience until then. 

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