So, for my schedule i want to disallow dragging appointments to group-resources.
My schedule is behaving weird: When I drag and drop an appointment on a resource-group sometimes the text in the appointment is removed/shifted, other times the appointment is reverted correctly. I looked at the actions called, and it seems that ActionBegin for appointmentDrag is called correctly everytime, but ActionComplete is not.
I made a test project (attached) and this is what I experience:
1) The initial schedule
2) Dragging the appointment to ROOM1, Wednesday, 3 times. Notice the log on the right hand side: OnActionBegin with type appointmentDrag is called 3 times, OnActionComplete is never called. Also notice that the appointment is actually getting smaller (height-wise).
3) Dragging the appointment to ROOM1, Wednesday, 3 times (again). OnActionComplete has still not been called, and the appointment is almost gone from the schedule.
4) I then started dragging the appointment around to different days, on the group-resource and got some seemingly random calls to OnActionComplete:
These are the functions set up for the schedule:
function OnActionComplete(args) {
console.debug("OnActionComplete: " + args.requestType);
function OnActionBegin(args) {
console.debug("OnActionBegin: " + args.requestType);
function OnDragStop(args) {
args.cancel = true;