const loadDiagram = () => {
console.log("save is", save)
// iterate the nodes
for(let i=0; i< save.nodes.length; i++) {
let node = save.nodes[i];
// remove the connect constraints
node.constraints = NodeConstraints.Default &~(NodeConstraints.InConnect | NodeConstraints.OutConnect);
save = JSON.stringify(save)
} |
Hello,Example of problem : the diagram is not zoomed enough, it is pretty hard to connect connectors.On the above example, each node has 16 ports. When one tries to change the connector target position to one of the 16 ports of one of the small box nodes, the connector seems to always want to connect to the top middle port of the big blue node.The target of the connector need to be exactly at the perfect pixel of the port to connect to it which is annoying.Is it possible to change the magnetism of the port so that the target of the connector connects to it if it is at say 5 pixels from it?Thank you,
const loadDiagram = () => {
console.log("save is", save)
// iterate the nodes
for(let i=0; i< save.nodes.length; i++) {
let node = save.nodes[i];
// remove the connect constraints
node.constraints = NodeConstraints.Default &~(NodeConstraints.InConnect | NodeConstraints.OutConnect);
save = JSON.stringify(save)
} |