dragStart: function (args) {
args.interval = 30;
},timeScale: { enable: true, interval: 30, slotCount: 2 }
this combination works ok, but if I set args.interval = 5; Only on margin times event drag is ok (eg. 09:00, 09:30) but on 9:10, 9:20 is not ok - wrong time is selected.
I want to achieve that I can have events that will have duration minimum 5 minutes - with timescale interval 15min ( config above ). Is this possible?
9:00 - 9:05 -- Appointment1
9:05 - 9:15 -- Appointment2
with config above event is created with good time, but representation is not ok, it has a height of event interval block - 15min in this case.
Edit: I know for option in timescale: 60 - 6, but for me is important that 1h interval is not higher than 200px.
Edit2: Also, is it possible to have drag only on end of event?
eventRendered: function (args) {
if(_scheduler.currentView != 'Month') { // calendarStep is 30 or 60, timscaleSlot valua is set to 2
let _cellDuration = calendarSettings.calendarStep / 2;
if (args.data.Duration < _cellDuration) {
args.element.style.height = args.data.Duration * 50 / _cellDuration +'px';
.e-schedule .e-event-resize.e-top-handler {
display: none!important;
.e-schedule .e-event-resize.e-bottom-handler {
height: 5px!important;
dragStart: function (args) {
args.interval = 5;
args.cancel = args.data.NoShow;