Good morning Syncfusion!
I just installed the @syncfusion/ej2-filemanager for my Angular 8 app, and I tried the communication with S3 through the ej2-amazon-s3-aspcore-file-provider.
It works, but I've got 1 trouble with the image preview.
This is my S3 bucket architecture : my-bucket > Files > (I put every things here)
I correctly register my bucket name with my S3 credentials in the RegisterAmazonS3, and I am able to create/delete/download every items.
But when I tried the image preview, I've got a 500 error and it seems to be related to a wrong path :
It throws the exception:
But for me, the exception is "normal" because :
The file path in the OpenStream will be: FilesIMG_20190820_132301.jpg if I understand the code logic ?
And this is what we send to the provider :
However, in the download, the path sent to the provider is correct.
Should I did something wrong ?
Thanks in advance :)