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Save grid state (column visibility, filtering, sorting) in database

I'd like to allow the user to save the state of the grid (after they have sorted, filtered, etc) so when the next time they visit the app the grid is saved in the same state as they left it. I understand there is the option for local save but I want the user to have the ability to save their own view permanently as well as a "reset" button to reset the view back to default.

I've seen an example you guys did but it was for the EJ model. I'm using EJS. Here's my code:


<div class="control-section">


                .DataSource(DataManager => { DataManager.Url("/Proj/UrlDataSource").CrudUrl("/Proj/CrudUpdate").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); })

                //.DataSource(DataManager => { DataManager.Url("/PMRS/UrlDataSource").InsertUrl("/PMRS/Insert").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); })




                .FilterSettings(filter => filter.Type(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.FilterType.Excel))













                .GroupSettings(group => { group.ShowDropArea(false).ShowUngroupButton(true); })


                    .Columns(col =>


                        col.Field(p => p.Id).Width("60").IsPrimaryKey(true).IsIdentity(true).Type("number").Width("120").Add();

                        col.HeaderText("Project Details").Visible(true).Template(" <a rel='nofollow' href='ProjectDetailsMaster?id=${Id} '>View</a> ").Width("140").AllowEditing(false).Add();

                        //col.Field(p => p.Id).Width("75").IsPrimaryKey(true).Type("number").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProjName).AllowSorting(true).Width("175").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.GroupName).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("175").ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProjDesc).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Width("325").Add(); //allow editing(true)

                        col.Field(p => p.PortLead).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" })/*.EditType("dropdownedit")*/.Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProjLead).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" })/*.EditType("dropdownedit")*/.Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProgramName).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.AssignedDate).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Format("yMd").EditType("datepickeredit").Width("175").Add();  //Date

                        col.Field(p => p.StatusName)/*.Template("#statusTemplate")*/.EditType("dropdownedit").Width("175").Template("#statusTemplate").ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Add();


                        col.Field(p => p.DecisionTypeName).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.JRCDate).Format("yMd").EditType("datepickeredit").Width("175").Add();  //Date

                        col.Field(p => p.PriorityName).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("175").ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.CompletionDate).Format("yMd").EditType("datepickeredit").Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.CreatedOn).Format("yMd").Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.CreatedBy).Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ModifiedOn).Format("yMd").Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ModifiedBy).Width("180").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.KSNLink).Width("180").Visible(false).Add();

                        //col.Field(p => p.ProjSched).Width("180").Visible(false).Add();

                        //col.Field(p => p.Budget).Width("100").Add();










                    //.TextWrapSettings(text => { text.WrapMode(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.WrapMode.Header); })

                    .PageSettings(page => page.PageCount(5))

                    .EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true).ShowDeleteConfirmDialog(true).Mode(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.EditMode.Normal); })

                    .Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel", "ColumnChooser", "ExcelExport", "Search" })

                    .PageSettings(page =>




                        //page.PageSizes(new List<int>() { 10, 25, 50, 100 });

                        page.PageSizes(new List<string>() { "10", "25", "50", "100", "All" });

                        //page.PageSizes(new List<string>() { "All" });














Also, do I need a separate table in my db?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. 

15 Replies

TS Thavasianand Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team July 1, 2019 01:18 PM UTC

Hi Hatem, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

From your query we found that you want to store and retrieve the Grid state in DB. To store the Grid state, we suggest you to use the ajax to send the Grid state to server and store it in your DB. You can use Grid getPersistData method to collect the current persist data in Grid.  

For the retrieve action you need to collect the stored Grid state from DB and provide it to Grid through the setProperties method. Please refer the below code snippet, 

Store button click: 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function store(e) {  // button click 
        var grid = document.getElementById("Grid").ej2_instances[0]; 
        var persistData = JSON.stringify({ persistData: grid.getPersistData() }); // Grid persistData 
        var ajax = new ej.base.Ajax({ // used our ajax to send the stored persistData to server 
            url: "/Home/StorePersistData", 
            type: "POST", 
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
            datatype: "json", 
            data: persistData  
    function reset(e) { // button click 
        var ajax = new ej.base.Ajax({ // used our ajax to send the retrive the persistData from server 
            url: "/Home/restore", 
            type: "POST", 
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" 
        ajax.onSuccess = function (result) { 
            var grid = document.getElementById("Grid").ej2_instances[0]; 
            var state = JSON.parse(result); 
            grid.setProperties({ // provide the retrived state to Grid through the setProperties method 
                filterSettings: state.filterSettings, 
                sortSettings: { columns: state.sortSettings.columns } // provide the retrieved values to GRid 
            }, false); 
                columns: state.columns 

public void StorePersistData(string persistData) 
            gridState = persistData; 
            // please do the DB save action here 
        public string restore() 
           // please do the retrieve action here 
            return gridState; 

Note: In this code we have used local variable to save and retrieve the state in server for the sample purpose. Please modified this codes with your requirement. 

We have prepared the sample with this requirement and you can find that sample from the below link, 

Thavasianand S. 

HM Hatem Muhsen July 9, 2019 05:41 PM UTC

Thank you for getting back to me. This solution worked but with a few minor bugs. I have a Template column with "View" links that take users to the record's detail page. The "View" link disappears when the user clicks the Apply State button (in green). I have attached two pictures, one with the original view and the other view when the user reverts back to the saved state. The other issue is that the column names return as their database names, not the display names I want them to be (refer to both screen shots).

Here is my razor code:


                .DataSource(DataManager => { DataManager.Url("/Proj/UrlDataSource").CrudUrl("/Proj/CrudUpdate").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); })

                //.DataSource(DataManager => { DataManager.Url("/PMRS/UrlDataSource").InsertUrl("/PMRS/Insert").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); })




                .FilterSettings(filter => filter.Type(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.FilterType.Excel))












                .GroupSettings(group => { group.ShowDropArea(false).ShowUngroupButton(true).ShowGroupedColumn(true).ShowToggleButton(true); })


                    .Columns(col =>


                        col.Field(p => p.Id).Width("60").IsPrimaryKey(true).IsIdentity(true).Type("number").Width("120").Add();

                        col.HeaderText("Project Details").Visible(true).Template(" <a rel='nofollow' href='ProjectDetailsMaster?id=${Id} '>View</a> ").Width("140").AllowEditing(false).Add();

                        //col.Field(p => p.Id).Width("75").IsPrimaryKey(true).Type("number").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProjName).AllowSorting(true).Width("175").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.GroupName).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("175").ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProjDesc).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Width("325").Add(); //allow editing(true)

                        col.Field(p => p.PortLead).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" })/*.EditType("dropdownedit")*/.Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProjLead).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" })/*.EditType("dropdownedit")*/.Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ProgramName).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.AssignedDate).ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Format("yMd").EditType("datepickeredit").Width("175").Add();  //Date

                        col.Field(p => p.StatusName)/*.Template("#statusTemplate")*/.EditType("dropdownedit").Width("175")/*.Template("#statusTemplate")*/.ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.DecisionTypeName).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("180").Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.JRCDate).Format("yMd").EditType("datepickeredit").Width("175").Add();  //Date

                        col.Field(p => p.PriorityName).EditType("dropdownedit").Width("175").ValidationRules(new { required = "true" }).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.CompletionDate).Format("yMd").EditType("datepickeredit").Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.CreatedOn).Format("yMd").Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.CreatedBy).Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ModifiedOn).Format("yMd").Width("200").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.ModifiedBy).Width("180").Visible(false).Add();

                        col.Field(p => p.KSNLink).Width("180").Visible(false).Add();

                        //col.Field(p => p.ProjSched).Width("180").Visible(false).Add();

                        //col.Field(p => p.Budget).Width("100").Add();










                    //.TextWrapSettings(text => { text.WrapMode(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.WrapMode.Header); })

                    .PageSettings(page => page.PageCount(5))

                    .EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true).ShowDeleteConfirmDialog(true).Mode(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.EditMode.Normal); })

                    .Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel", "ColumnChooser", "ExcelExport", "Search" })

                    .PageSettings(page =>




                        //page.PageSizes(new List<int>() { 10, 25, 50, 100 });

                        page.PageSizes(new List<string>() { "10", "25", "50", "100", "All" });

                        //page.PageSizes(new List<string>() { "All" });












Attachment: Screenshots_38449f7.zip

TS Thavasianand Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team July 10, 2019 01:36 PM UTC

Hi Hatem, 

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 

To resolve this issue, we suggest you to call the Grid refreshHeader method instead of changing the columns through the setProperties. Please remove below yellow highlighted code from your project and call the refreshHeader method, 

ajax.onSuccess = function (result) { 
            var grid = document.getElementById("Grid").ej2_instances[0]; 
            var state = JSON.parse(result); 
            grid.setProperties({ // provide the retrived state to Grid through the setProperties method 
                filterSettings: state.filterSettings, 
                sortSettings: { columns: state.sortSettings.columns } 
            }, false); 
            grid.refreshHeader();// please add this code 
            grid.setProperties({// please remove this codes 
                columns: state.columns 

Thavasianand S. 

HM Hatem Muhsen July 18, 2019 07:32 PM UTC

This worked perfectly, thank you. Anyway I can also save/retrieve the user's page count settings, column visibility settings, and column order? In other words, exactly the way they have saved the view. 

Best Regards,

TS Thavasianand Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team July 19, 2019 10:18 AM UTC

Hi Hatem, 
Thanks for your update. 
We are happy that the problem has been resolved at your end. 
Thavasianand S.  

HM Hatem Muhsen September 6, 2019 04:15 AM UTC


How do I also save and reset the column positioning? So if a user moves columns around, they can also save that into the grid state.

Thanks you,

JO Jacques Okes October 29, 2020 08:15 AM UTC

Hi there,

I am also trying to store the grid layout based on the code samples you laid out here.

I can only store the grid ordering, if I add a filter, or a grouping and trying to reload to stored string, there are a multitude a javascript errors saying the type cannot be found.

I am storing the exact string into the database based on the ordering, grouping and filtering, but it wont load the string without errors. 

I added a "Stored string" for the purposes of this example as follows:

 public string customString()
            string customFiltering = @"{""pageSettings"":{""currentPage"":1,""pageCount"":8,""pageSize"":12,""totalRecordsCount"":45},""sortSettings"":{""columns"":[{""field"":""EmployeeID"",""direction"":""Ascending""}]},""filterSettings"":{""immediateModeDelay"":1500,""type"":""Menu"",""columns"":[]},""groupSettings"":{""columns"":[""EmployeeID""],""showToggleButton"":false,""disablePageWiseAggregates"":false,""showDropArea"":true,""showGroupedColumn"":false,""showUngroupButton"":true},""columns"":[{""allowSorting"":true,""allowResizing"":true,""allowFiltering"":true,""allowGrouping"":true,""allowReordering"":true,""showColumnMenu"":true,""enableGroupByFormat"":false,""allowEditing"":true,""filter"":{},""showInColumnChooser"":true,""allowSearching"":true,""sortDirection"":""Descending"",""field"":""OrderID"",""isPrimaryKey"":true,""width"":""100"",""uid"":""grid-column0"",""foreignKeyField"":""OrderID"",""visible"":true,""index"":0,""type"":""number"",""backupHeader"":""Order ID""},{""allowSorting"":true,""allowResizing"":true,""allowFiltering"":true,""allowGrouping"":true,""allowReordering"":true,""showColumnMenu"":true,""enableGroupByFormat"":false,""allowEditing"":true,""filter"":{},""showInColumnChooser"":true,""allowSearching"":true,""sortDirection"":""Ascending"",""field"":""EmployeeID"",""width"":""120"",""uid"":""grid-column1"",""foreignKeyField"":""EmployeeID"",""visible"":false,""index"":1,""type"":""number"",""backupHeader"":""Employee ID""},{""allowSorting"":true,""allowResizing"":true,""allowFiltering"":true,""allowGrouping"":true,""allowReordering"":true,""showColumnMenu"":true,""enableGroupByFormat"":false,""allowEditing"":true,""filter"":{},""showInColumnChooser"":true,""allowSearching"":true,""sortDirection"":""Descending"",""field"":""OrderDate"",""format"":""yMd"",""width"":""120"",""uid"":""grid-column2"",""foreignKeyField"":""OrderDate"",""visible"":true,""index"":2,""type"":""date"",""backupHeader"":""Order Date""}],""searchSettings"":{""key"":"""",""fields"":[]},""selectedRowIndex"":-1}";
            return customFiltering;

Then I added a new button for custom layout read and the button calls this event:

function loadState() {
        var ajax = new ej.base.Ajax({ // used our ajax to send the retrive the persistData from server
            url: "/Home/customString",
            type: "POST",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
        ajax.onSuccess = function (result) {
            var grid = document.getElementById("Grid").ej2_instances[0];
            var state = JSON.parse(result);
            for (var i = 0; i < state.columns.length; i++) {
                state.columns[i].headerText = state.columns[i].backupHeader;
            grid.setProperties({ // provide the retrived state to Grid through the setProperties method
                filterSettings: state.filterSettings,
                sortSettings: { columns: state.sortSettings.columns }
            }, false);
                columns: state.columns

What needs to be added/edited to be able to correctly save the grid layout 100% - each user needs to save their layout and reload it on databound as there are quite a few columns and each user needs to see it seperately in their own ways.

RR Rajapandi Ravi Syncfusion Team October 30, 2020 12:54 PM UTC

Hi Jacques, 

Thanks for the update 

Query#: I can only store the grid ordering, if I add a filter, or a grouping and trying to reload to stored string, there are a multitude a javascript errors saying the type cannot be found. 

We have analyzed your query and based on your requirement we have prepared a sample and tried to reproduce the issue. But it works fine from our end. Please refer the below sample and video demo for more information. 

If you still face the issue, please share the below details that will be helpful for us to provide better solution. 

1)     If you still face any issue, Please share any issue reproducible sample or try to reproduce the issue with our above attached sample. 

2)     If possible please share the issue scenario in video demonstration.  

Rajapandi R 

EM Emiliano November 6, 2020 06:23 PM UTC

This sample have a problem.

After i press the 'Store' button and 'Reset' button one time each one and in this order, anything i do to the Grid, filter, order, group or even press the Reset button again, the grid hangs.
One thing i noticed, it that the header text, changes when i press the Reset button. How to save the Header text to persist data?

RR Rajapandi Ravi Syncfusion Team November 9, 2020 12:36 PM UTC

Hi Hatem, 

Based on your reported scenario we have checked our provided sample from our end and tried to reproduce the issue. But your reported problem was not occurs from our end. For your reference we have attached a video demo. Please refer the below video demo for more information.  

Query#: One thing i noticed, it that the header text, changes when i press the Reset button. 

By default in EJ2 Grid the persist data does not contain/store the properties like, column template, column formatter, header text since these values can be mapped as id or method that is defined in the application level or even modified and hence cannot be maintained. 

Rajapandi R

EM Emiliano November 16, 2020 04:11 PM UTC

I've got to say that your support it's very good. You try to understand the user problems and even send videos!
I like that! thanks for your support.

The problem is still there. I dont know what happened before, but i think that when the persistence data breaks, the only way to recover the grid, is to change the grid name.
Because the Reset button it's not a reset button, but a restore button which makes an ajax request to get the data from server.

In the video i try to do a lot of random things to break the grid, and then finally it stops working. The only way to recover the grid, it's changing the name. that's why the grid in the video, have the id "Grid5" name. The "previous numbers names" was other attempts to break the grid.


Attachment: grid_error_d13ce28d.zip

RR Rajapandi Ravi Syncfusion Team November 19, 2020 12:08 PM UTC

Hi Emiliano, 

Thanks for the update 

Based on your reported scenario we have checked our provided sample from our end and tried to reproduce the issue. But your reported problem was not occurs from our end.  

In this below sample we have backup the headerText when you store the Grid state. And then set the same headerText when you reset the state. Please refer the below code example, sample and video demo for more information. 

<button id="store" class="e-btn e-warning" onclick="store()">Store</button> 
<button id="reset" class="e-btn e-success" onclick="reset()">Reset</button> 
<button id="hide" class="e-btn e-success" onclick="hide()">Hide Column</button> 
@Html.EJS().Grid("Grid").DataSource((IEnumerable<object>)ViewBag.datasource).AllowReordering(true).AllowSorting(true).AllowFiltering(true).AllowPaging(true).Columns(col => 
    col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width("100").Add(); 
    col.Field("EmployeeID").HeaderText("Employee ID").Width("120").Add(); 
    col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer Name").Width("150").Add(); 
    col.Field("OrderDate").HeaderText("Order Date").Width("120").Format("yMd").Add(); 
    col.Field("ShipCity").HeaderText("Ship City").EditType("dropdownedit").Width("150").Add(); 
}).FilterSettings(filter => { filter.Type(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.FilterType.Menu); }).Render() 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function store(e) {  // button click 
        var grid = document.getElementById("Grid").ej2_instances[0]; 
        for (var i = 0; i < grid.columns.length; i++) { 
            grid.columns[i].backupHeader = grid.columns[i].headerText;    //take headerText duplicate to store in another property  
       var persistData = JSON.stringify({ persistData: grid.getPersistData() }); // Grid persistData 
        var ajax = new ej.base.Ajax({ // used our ajax to send the stored persistData to server 
            url: "/Home/StorePersistData", 
            type: "POST", 
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
            datatype: "json", 
            data: persistData  
    function reset(e) { // button click 
        var ajax = new ej.base.Ajax({ // used our ajax to send the retrive the persistData from server 
            url: "/Home/restore", 
            type: "POST", 
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" 
        ajax.onSuccess = function (result) { 
            var grid = document.getElementById("Grid").ej2_instances[0]; 
            var state = JSON.parse(result);  
           for (var i = 0; i < state.columns.length; i++) { 
                state.columns[i].headerText = state.columns[i].backupHeader; //restore headerText 
           grid.setProperties({ // provide the retrived state to Grid through the setProperties method 
                filterSettings: state.filterSettings, 
                sortSettings: { columns: state.sortSettings.columns } 
            }, false); 
                columns: state.columns 

Rajapandi R 

ED Emanuele Dabove replied to Rajapandi Ravi December 21, 2023 05:22 PM UTC


I reply to this old post, which was very helpful, especially the last reply from Rajapandi Ravi.

In my grid I use a template for a specific column: using the save/restore of the state lose that template.
Is there a way to force the grid to reapply the template after call "setProperties"  method?

Thanks for the support.

Best regards,

RR Rajapandi Ravi Syncfusion Team December 26, 2023 10:41 AM UTC


By default, the Grid column template will not be persisted while using the “getPersistData” method since the template may contain any elements. So, while resetting the Grid column to the Grid we need to set the template property to achieve your requirement. Please refer to the below code example and sample for more information.



        <ejs-grid id="Grid" allowPaging="true" load="onLoad" allowResizing="true" allowReordering="true" height="300" allowsorting="true" toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete","Update","Cancel" })">

            <e-grid-editSettings allowAdding="true" allowDeleting="true" allowEditing="true" mode="Normal"></e-grid-editSettings>

            <e-data-manager url="Index?handler=UrlDatasource" insertUrl="Index?handler=Insert" updateUrl="Index?handler=Update" removeUrl="Index?handler=Remove" adaptor="UrlAdaptor"></e-data-manager>


              .  .  .  .  .  .  .

              .  .  .  .  .  .  .

                <e-grid-column field="ShipCity" headerText="Ship City" template="#template" width="120"></e-grid-column>






    function onLoad() {

        this.dataSource.dataSource.headers = [{ 'XSRF-TOKEN': $("input:hidden[name=__RequestVerificationToken]").val() }];




<script type="text/javascript">


    function reset(e) { // button click

        var ajax = new ej.base.Ajax({ // used our ajax to send the retrive the persistData from server

            url: "/Index?handler=Restore",

            type: "GET",

            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

            beforeSend: function (req) {

            req.httpRequest.setRequestHeader('XSRF-TOKEN', $('input:hidden[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val());




        ajax.onSuccess = function (result) {

            var grid = document.getElementById("Grid").ej2_instances[0];

            var savedProperties = JSON.parse(result);

            var gridColumnsState = Object.assign([], document.getElementById('Grid').ej2_instances[0].getColumns());

            for (var i = 0; i < savedProperties.columns.length; i++) {

                savedProperties.columns[i].headerText = savedProperties.columns[i].backupHeader; //restore headerText


            savedProperties.columns.forEach(function (col) {

        var colTemplate = gridColumnsState.find(function (colColumnsState) { return colColumnsState.field === col.field; })['template'];

        col.template = colTemplate; //restore the template








<script id="template" type="text/x-template">

    <a rel='nofollow' href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/${ShipCity}>${ShipCity}</a>




Attachment: 145592_35774636.zip

ED Emanuele Dabove January 10, 2024 11:34 AM UTC


Sorry for the delay with the response.
Thanks for your support: it works!

Just for information, following I attach the code that I used (in order to load the complete state of the grid, including headerText and headerTemplate), based on your suggestions.

Maybe can be usefull.

Best regards,

var grid = document.getElementById("myGrid").ej2_instances[0];
var gridColumnsState = Object.assign([], grid.getColumns());

var savedProperties = JSON.parse(result);

savedProperties.columns.forEach(function (col) {

var originalColumn = gridColumnsState.find(function (colColumnsState) { return colColumnsState.field === col.field; })

// Header Text
colHeaderText = originalColumn['headerText'];

if (colHeaderText !== undefined) {
col.headerText = colHeaderText;

// Template
var colTemplate = originalColumn['template'];

if (colTemplate !== undefined) {
col.template = colTemplate;

// Header Template
var colHeaderTemplate = originalColumn['headerTemplate'];

if (colHeaderTemplate !== undefined) {
col.headerTemplate = colHeaderTemplate;




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