Hi Serdar,
Currently, we don’t have direct API to show the null or no value as zero or custom value. But, You can change null value (or) no value to 0 by using queryCellInfo event. Please refer the below code snippet to show the cell text as zero.
Code Snippet [Typescript]:
queryCell(args: any): void {
(this.pivotGridObj.renderModule as any).rowCellBoundEvent(args);
if (args.cell.innerText == '') {
args.cell.innerText = 0;
enginePopulated(args: any): void {
this.pivotGridObj.grid.queryCellInfo = this.queryCell.bind(this);
} |
Code Snippet: [HTML]
<ejs-pivotview #pivotview id='PivotView' [dataSource]=dataSource width='100%' height='300' (enginePopulated)='enginePopulated($event)'>
</ejs-pivotview> |
Meanwhile, we have prepared sample for your reference. Please find the sample in below link.
We will be provided direct API for this feature in any of our upcoming releases.