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Block drop in certain swim lanes


If i have the following swim lanes


How can I prevent certain operations while allowing others e.g

I can drag from open to Started
I can  drag from Started to Paused or closed
I want to prevent drag from Started, or Paused to Open.

Is this possible and if so could you please provide some guidance.


5 Replies

SK Sarath Kumar P Syncfusion Team September 27, 2016 01:26 PM UTC

Hi Trevor, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.   
Please confirm us whether you need to prevent drag operations between Kanban columns.   
-                      Between vertical columns ( eg . from Open to Started ) 
Or Kanban Swim-lanes  - drag and drop between highlighted horizontal lanes? ( eg . from Open to Started ) 


Based on your confirmation, we will provide you the appropriate solution. 
Sarath Kumar P 

TR Trevor September 28, 2016 12:09 PM UTC

Sorry, yes indeed it is between the vertical columns I wish to block certain drag/drops.


RK Rajesh Kumar Anburajan Syncfusion Team September 29, 2016 10:49 AM UTC

Hi Trevor,   
Your requirement can be achieved using Kanban workflow feature. It has been included in our latest Volume 3, 2016 release and it is available for download under the following link:   
Using workflow feature, you can specify the allowed transitions to each key columns. Please refer to the attached sample and the below codes to achieve your requirement,   
                    dataSource: data,   
                                    {key:"Open",allowedTransitions:"Started"},  // you can drag from open to started by adding the started column in allowTransitions property.     
                                    {key:"Started",allowedTransitions:"Paused,Closed"},//you can drag from started to paused or closed by adding the Paused or closed column in allowTransitions property.     
                                    {key:"Paused",allowedTransitions:"Started,Closed"}//you can prevent drag from started, or paused to open.   
                    columns: [   
                        { headerText: "Open", key: "Open"},   
                        { headerText: "Started", key: "Started" },   
                        { headerText: "Paused", key: "Paused" },   
                        { headerText: "Closed", key: "Closed" }   
                    keyField: "Status",   
                    allowTitle: true,   
                    fields: {   
                        content: "Summary",   
                        primaryKey: "Id",   
                        tag: 'Priority'   
                    allowSelection: false   
Rajesh kumar A.   

TR Trevor September 29, 2016 11:07 AM UTC

Thanks for you help.

much appreciated.


RK Rajesh Kumar Anburajan Syncfusion Team September 30, 2016 04:35 AM UTC

 Hi Trevor,

Thanks for your update.

Please let us know if u need any further assistance.


Rajeshkumar A.

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