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Syncfusion Dashboard Platform v1.1.0.229 (Service Pack) is available for download

Syncfusion Dashboard Platform v1.1.0.229 (Service Pack) is available for download

Key features

Dashboard Server

We have,

  • Provided support to use Oracle and MySQL as underlying databases.
  • Provided support to choose an existing database as the underlying database for SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle.
  • Provided support to host the Dashboard Server as an application under a website in IIS.
  • Provided support to host the Dashboard Server as an Azure App Service.
  • The Dashboard Server is now responsive and can be accessed from Phone, Tablet, and Desktop devices.
  • Dashboards can now be marked as public, and will be accessible to all users without having to log-in.
  • Option to automatically activate users has been provided. Users can log-in immediately after registering.
  • Share dashboards, data sources, widgets, schedules, and categories with other users or groups along with read, write, and delete permissions.
  • Provided an API to run dashboards and export them to image format.
  • Added a utility to update credentials on the Dashboard Server connection string.

Dashboard Designer and Viewer

We have,

  • Added support to filter data displayed on the Dashboard based on the current user. This ensures that the current user is only able to see the information relevant to him.
  • Provided support to work with Microsoft SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) data sources.
  • Provided support to work with PostgreSQL databases.
  • It is now possible to switch to a different database with similar schema after the widgets have been configured in the Designer.
  • Dashboard(s) can now be exported to PDF.
  • Added ability to switch between multiple user accounts in the Designer.
Syncfusion Dashboard Platform Team     

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