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Big data in mobile application development


Can you suggest me some tips to use Big Data in mobile app development. Actually I'm developing a gaming app and wants to use the big data concept in that. Any suggestion?

3 Replies

PP Praveena P Syncfusion Team April 14, 2015 11:18 AM UTC

Hi Alis,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

In general, Big data solutions comes into play when there is need for collecting and analyzing very large amounts of data. In games, Big data solution will be
very much useful in handling large amount of data generated by gamers and their interactions with the game play as well as with other gamers and to create an
analytical application to

·Manage leaderboards,
·Improving game play or the AI of the game based on the data gathered.
·Facilitate in matching players in Multi-player games.
·Player behavior analytics to measure their interest in the game.

Above are some of the suggestion that are applicable in most common games. Please provide further details of your requirement to narrow down for any suggestions.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


RO RobertDupree replied to Praveena P November 4, 2022 06:41 AM UTC

Thanks for sharing the info.

SD Steve Diaz September 4, 2023 09:21 AM UTC


Here are shorter tips for using Big Data in mobile game app development:

Define Goals: Clearly outline what you want to achieve with Big Data.

Responsible Data Collection: Collect user data in compliance with privacy regulations.

Analytics Tools: Integrate analytics tools for user behavior tracking.

Real-time Analysis: Use real-time data for instant feedback and enhancements.

Personalization: Customize gameplay based on player preferences.

A/B Testing: Experiment and make data-driven decisions.

Predictive Analytics: Anticipate player behavior for tailored content.

Performance Optimization: Monitor and improve game performance.

Security: Protect against fraud and unauthorized access.

Server Management: Efficiently scale servers and balance loads.

Thank you

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