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Please Suggest How to remove Upper Line and Title

Previously we were using xls chart and now we are using syncfusion chart but we are facing lots of problem for generating chart as compatible wit xl chart .
Please refer screen for the same
As Per Screen There are some mismatch in chart creation
Point 1) We remove this line .
Point 2)We set this at top i a single line.
Point 3) we decrease space between chart and legend.
Please suggest these property when we can show the chart as look loke xl chart.
Analec Infotech

Attachment: chart_d2746f52.zip

1 Reply

JA Jayavigneshwaran Syncfusion Team replied to Amit November 26, 2014 01:11 PM UTC

Previously we were using xls chart and now we are using syncfusion chart but we are facing lots of problem for generating chart as compatible wit xl chart .
Please refer screen for the same
As Per Screen There are some mismatch in chart creation
Point 1) We remove this line .
Point 2)We set this at top i a single line.
Point 3) we decrease space between chart and legend.
Please suggest these property when we can show the chart as look loke xl chart.
Analec Infotech

Attachment: chart_d2746f52.zip

Hi Amit,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


We have analyzed your query with our sample.

Query #1: We remove this line .

Response: This axis line can be hided specifying the below code.


this.chartControl1.PrimaryYAxis.LineType.ForeColor = Color.Transparent;


Query #2: We set this at top in a single line.

Response: This can be done by triggering the paint event. Please see the below code snippet.


this.chartControl1.Paint += chartControl1_Paint;


Query #3: we decrease space between chart and legend.

Response: Currently there is no support for changing the alignment of the legend vertically from its position.



We have also prepared a sample to illustrate this. Kindly find it from the below link


Please let me know if you have concern.




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