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I do not want to use the Symbol Pallete.  I would prefer to use a more custom solution to display the symbol items like a nav bar.

How can I accomplish this?



5 Replies

SC Sudhakar C Syncfusion Team September 18, 2013 10:16 AM UTC

Hi Thomas,

We are unable to understand your query . But, we are assuming your requirement is to meet the following scenarios.

Scenario 1:

We suspect that your requirement is to display the SymbolPaletteItems in any other control instead of using the SymbolPalette. If so, we can display the SymbolPaletteitems in other controls. We have prepared a simple sample. In that sample, we have display all the Symbolpaletteitems in a Listbox. For more information, please refer the attached sample and video.

Scenario 2:

We suspect that your requirement is to add the custom SymbolPaletteItem like nav bar in SymbolPaletteGroup. If so, we can create the custom SymbolpaletteItem and can add that item to SymbolPalette. Please refer the following code snippet. In that code snippet, we have created a custom SymbolPalette Group and created custom SymbolPaletteItem with the content of the Button & Text box. And then, added that item to custom group.

Code Snippet :

// Custom SymbolPaletteGroup

SymbolPaletteGroup grp = new SymbolPaletteGroup();

grp.Label = "Application";

SymbolPalette.SetFilterIndexes(grp, new List<int>() { 0, 6 });



// Custom SymbolPalette Item

SymbolPaletteItem item1 = new SymbolPaletteItem();

item1.Name = "CustomItem";

StackPanel panel = new StackPanel() { Orientation=Orientation.Vertical};           

panel.Children.Add(new TextBox() {Text="Edit..",Width=50,Height=20,Margin=new Thickness(3)});

panel.Children.Add(new Button() {Content="Submit", Width=30,Height=20,Margin=new Thickness(3) });

panel.IsHitTestVisible = false;

// Added the content of the Items as Button and Textbox

item1.Content = panel;

item1.Width = 50;

item1.Height = 50;




Likewise, we can add any element as content of the SymbolPaletteItems like nav bar.

If the above scenario doesn’t meet your requirement, please provide more information about your requirement. So that we able to investigate more on your requirement.

Please let us know if you need further assistance on this.


Sudhakar C


SC Sudhakar C Syncfusion Team September 18, 2013 10:19 AM UTC

Hi Thomas,

Please download the attached video from below link.


Sudhakar C


IH Isaac Hake replied to Sudhakar C April 7, 2014 04:43 PM UTC

Hi Thomas,

Please download the attached video from below link.


Sudhakar C


Is there some way that other people can see the sample provided here? My company has a full (with source control) project license for Essential Studio, and I'm logged in, but every time I try tow download the file provided in the links I get the following error:

<Message>Access Denied</Message>

IH Isaac Hake April 7, 2014 04:44 PM UTC

Oops. By "with source control" I meant "with the source code add-on". Thanks.

PA Parthiban A Syncfusion Team April 8, 2014 06:00 AM UTC

Hi Issac,

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Due to some technical problems, our files has been crashed.

Kindly find the sample and video from the attachment.

Please let us know, if you require any further assist on this.



Attachment: SymbolItemsInListBox_6de76aff.zip

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