
Enhancing a Parenting App Using Xamarin

Enhancing a Parenting App Using Xamarin

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Anthony Ramirez of Coquisoft was seeking a new feature for his app, ParentLove. Although Xamarin.Forms provides many controls that can be coded once and run on all platforms, there was no solution for charting…

Challenge and Solution

Anthony Ramirez of Coquisoft was seeking a new feature for his app, ParentLove. Although Xamarin.Forms provides many controls that can be coded once and run on all platforms, there was no solution for charting, a feature that Ramirez needed to visualize growth percentile data. The chart needed to support multiple series to illustrate growth, and had to be customizable to suit different users’ needs. It also needed to be easy to use and intuitive.

The Syncfusion Chart control for Xamarin empowered Ramirez to stay in the Xamarin.Forms PCL code base while still running across multiple platforms. This led to a reduced amount of coding production requirements—after learning only one control, he was able to save at least 80 hours of development time.


  • More than 80 hours of development time was saved
    • More than 80 hours of development time was saved.
  • A missing piece of the application was enabled.
    • A missing piece of the application was enabled.
  • Achieved seamless functionality across multiple platforms with a single control
    • Achieved seamless functionality across multiple platforms with a single control.

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