Video: Xamarin for Beginners by Alessandro del Sole | Syncfusion Blogs
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Syncfusion has partnered with Succinctly series author Alessandro del Sole to create a new beginner video series covering the Xamarin platform. This five-part series aims to introduce viewers to the core features of Xamarin by introducing the basic features of Xamarin and then guiding viewers through some common development tasks. Using step-by-step processes, del Sole offers a fast way to develop familiarity with the basic operation of Xamarin.

In the first video in the series, “Xamarin for Beginners,” del Sole introduces some of the base functionalities of Xamarin, which are applicable for development across Android, iOS, and Windows. In addition to the essential functions, he also details the core Xamarin offer, behind-the-scenes operations, and the tools required to develop with Xamarin. He also directs viewers to useful resources for getting the most out of their Xamarin experience.

A new entry will be posted every week until the entire series is available. These upcoming videos will tackle common development scenarios directly, using the foundations built in this first entry to guide viewers towards mastery of Xamarin. With Alessandro del Sole as their guide, it’s sure to be a successful journey.

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Darren West