Syncfusion in SD Times 100 for 8th Consecutive Year | Syncfusion Blogs
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Syncfusion is honored to be included in the SD Times 100 for the eighth year in a row! The annual awards recognize software development companies that are “the best of the best” in categories ranging from application life-cycle management to security and quality assurance. This year, Syncfusion earned its place in the SD Times 100 as an industry leader in user experience, and we will continue working hard to remain worthy of this award.

The release of Windows 8 last year created a significant shift in the approach to application development. Intuitive touch interactions, simplified user interfaces, and smoothly animated visuals became the new standards of user expectation. We designed our collection of WinRT controls to excel at all of these, and our efforts have paid off. Our initial package of WinRT controls has been so well received that we’ve ported several of them to WPF and Silverlight. But the application of these principles does not stop at WinRT. We’ve been compelled to reevaluate our approach to designing controls for every platform we support, across desktop and mobile, and our place in the SD Times 100 shows that we’re on the right track.

Another way we focus on providing the best user experience is through our various avenues of support. For years, our Direct-Trac support system has integrated feedback loops into our development cycle by allowing us to create new controls and features by incorporating requests from developers who use our products. Our soon-to-be-launched Solution Services will allow us to monitor the pulse of enterprise app development by directly assisting a business in its development process.

We will witness first-hand what end users around the world demand of their apps, and what tools developers need to meet those demands. You can be sure that we’ll work the best of what we learn into our components and controls.

Though we have a solid framework for creating great user experiences, we are not going to settle. We will continue to improve and reinvigorate the user experiences we provide, so we’ll be honored again in next year’s SD Times 100.

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