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See Who is Talking about Syncfusion

Several leading bloggers have been writing about Syncfusion’s products, e-books, and free resources. Developers have quickly recognized how helpful Syncfusion’s Technology Resource Portal is—especially the free Succinctly series of e-books. If you want to dive into a new technology, or quickly refresh your memory about a particular topic, the Succinctly series is your answer. Besides learning resources, Syncfusion also offers a free tool that is indispensable for future development projects: Metro Studio 2. It is a powerful, intuitive, Windows UI-style icon editor that lets you easily create icons from templates and customize them to fit the design of your app. Don’t just take our word for it; read on to see what bloggers have been saying about Syncfusion’s award-winning products and resources.

Kunal Chowdhury, a Microsoft Silverlight MVP and CodeProject platinum author, wrote about Metro Studio 2 on his Microsoft technology blog.

Syncfusion Metro Studio is a collection of over 1700 Metro-style icon templates that can be easily customized to create thousands of unique Metro icons.”

Jan Van der Haegen is the author of our LightSwitch Succinctly e-book. He explains the essence of his e-book in this blog post.

“Not only did [Syncfusion] light up my LightSwitch apps with great (and free) metro icons, they also provided me the opportunity to author my first e-book: LightSwitch Succinctly. It took me quite some late nights to write it, but I enjoyed every moment and I’m a proud parent of my firstborn little book.”

Zoran Maksimovic, author of the agile-code blog, wrote about our ASP.NET MVC 4 Websites Succinctly e-book. Zoran does a great job of explaining how you’ll learn to create mobile-friendly websites using the powerful MVC 4 framework.

“The book that I particularly liked as it goes beyond the classical ‘let’s develop in ASP.NET MVC framework,’ is the ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Websites Succinctly by Lyle Luppes, that describes how developers that are currently using ASP.NET MVC 3 can move to MVC 4 with minimal effort.”

Karthik K., the blogger behind Karthik’s Geek Center, presents a convincing case that Syncfusion’s e-books should be in every developer’s library. You can read all that he has to say about the Succinctly series here.

“I’ve been learning Knockout.js from Syncfusion’s Succinctly series, and I have to admit that they’re really easy to learn. One thing I noticed was the clear representation of the content that has been portrayed there in these e-books.”

Developers around the world recognize that the Succinctly series and Syncfusion products facilitate better programming. Each e-book is a quick read at around 100 pages, and is guaranteed to provide a new perspective on whatever topic you decide to explore. Syncfusion’s Essential Studio offers hundreds of unique controls across every .NET platform, from Windows Forms and Silverlight, to ASP.NET MVC and WinRT. You can download a free, 30-day trial of the entire suite here. So, if you are a developer in need of high-quality, time-saving resources, Syncfusion’s products and e-books have got you covered!


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