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Live from Strata 2013

Overall, we had a great day yesterday at the Strata + Hadoop World conference. I saw a lot of cool data processing involving the Hadoop platform. I was also impressed to see how the Hadoop ecosystem has expanded substantially over the past year. One speaker mentioned that he thought the show had doubled in size.

With the expansion of Hadoop, there is also a great deal of interest in HDInsight Microsoft’s framework for managing big data and generating reports. If you are interested in HDInsight too, please read my recent white paper “Ignore HDInsight at Your Own Peril.” It has more details on HDInsight and several working samples.

Many attendees who stopped by our booth (#55) were really impressed by the mobile BI dashboard applications we have running on iOS, Android, and Windows. They said visualization is a top priority for them. One person remarked that users are always asking to make an application pretty and intuitive.

In that area, Syncfusion’s offerings are immensely beneficial. The dashboard applications we’re showcasing were built with Orubase, our mobile-app development framework. With this framework, our solution team can deliver customized mobile BI solutions in a fraction of the time it usually takes.

We also ran into several companies who use Syncfusion in other areas of development. They were excited about our BI and Hadoop work, particularly our ability to take data out of Hadoop and other data sources and produce rich Excel, Word, and PDF reports.

Today is our last day at the conference, so I’d like to thank everyone who dropped by, and encourage you to stop by and check out our mobile BI dashboard while there’s still time.


Syncfusion’s Booth at Strata Conference in New York


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