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Appointments that span a day and Start Hour > 0

I'd like to view a WorkWeek style calendar but with:
Start Hour, instead of midnight, say, 6:00pm to 6:00pm the next day


Appointments that start at say 10:00pm one day and run to 4:00AM the next day (ex, 6/9/2011 10:00pm to 6/10/2011 4:00AM)

10:00 X
12:00 X
2:00AM X
4:00 X
12:00 (noon)

Is this possible?

3 Replies

JJ Jisha Joy Syncfusion Team June 16, 2011 08:43 AM UTC

Hi Eric,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

Yes. You can have the mentioned appointment. You can specify the starttime and endtime as desired by specifying it in the appointment form.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


ER Eric Robishaw November 29, 2012 09:13 PM UTC

but the appointments don't SHOW the appointment running into the next day.

RB Ragamathulla B Syncfusion Team November 30, 2012 04:15 AM UTC

Hi Eric,


Thanks for the update.



Appointment next day span



The appointment will be spanned to the next day as like:

if the appointment is from  8AM 29 Nov to 8AM 30 Nov : then the app will be spanned as 8AM 29 to 12 (Midnight-29) and12.01( day start of Nov 30 ) to 8AM in current version.


Please refer to the following video which is illustrates the same





Let me know if you have any further concerns.



Ragamathullah B.

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