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How to calculate the minimum possible height for a grid

i want to resize a grid control based upon the number of rows in it (it is part of a splitter control and i want the splitter to move when rows are added.) i can find out the size of all the rows with the RowSizes property, and this works just fine. BUT.. heres the problem It is a databound control fed with a DataTable. if i change the data source to add a row then the grid correctly displays the new data. Thats just fine... SO... what i want to do is detect that a row has been added. now the datatable gives me events to do this so i tried that. unfortunately though this RowAdded event is getting to my code BEFORE the values in RowSizes reflects the new data. so i thought - ok - i''ll call Application.DoEvents() and that''ll force the grid to update itself. unfortunately this doesnt work either. its as if the datagrid isnt drawing until much later. THEREFORE i thought i could use the Model.DataChanged, Model.ConfirmingPendingChanges or Model.RowsInserted events on the datatable to detect changes. however these events dont seem to get raised for changes made from a datatable changing SO i''m stuck right now. any bright ideas? my best thought is to start a timer when new rows are added and then do my refresh.

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 17, 2004 06:40 AM UTC

The ListChanged event on the IBindingList object associated with the CurrencyManager for your datasource fires after the row is added. ''subscribe to the event Dim cm As CurrencyManager = Me.BindingContext(Me.GridDataBoundGrid1.DataSource, Me.GridDataBoundGrid1.DataMember) Dim ibl As IBindingList = cm.List AddHandler ibl.ListChanged, AddressOf ibl_ListChanged ''the handler Private Sub ibl_ListChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ListChangedEventArgs) If e.ListChangedType = ListChangedType.ItemAdded Then Console.WriteLine(Me.GridDataBoundGrid1.Model.RowCount) End If End Sub

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 17, 2004 06:45 AM UTC

Here is some C# code.
//subscribe to the event
CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[this.gridDataBoundGrid1.DataSource, this.gridDataBoundGrid1.DataMember];
IBindingList ibl = cm.List as IBindingList;
if(ibl != null)
	ibl.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler(ibl_ListChanged);

//the handler
private void ibl_ListChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
	if (e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemAdded)

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