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Docking windows without any gap

I have a form with 3 panels each in a dock window. I find I cannot make the dock windows occupy the full form. One of the dock windows always has a space on one edge that is not filled. Is this possible ? How is it done in the sample which does not seem to have any such gap ? My sample app is attached. DockTest_1620.zip

10 Replies

AS ashok January 13, 2004 09:25 PM UTC

I discovered the DockToFill method so my question is answered but I would like to know if it''s possible to have the docking windows with out the titlebar ?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 14, 2004 04:16 PM UTC

Hi Ashok, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The behavior of our docking windows architecture conforms to the VS.NET''s docking windows'' behavior in every way. Presently (just like in VS.NET) it is not possible hide the caption bar of the docking windows. However, we could consider this as a feature request for a future release of Essential Suite. We appreciate your feedback on this issue. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

ST Sameer Tupe February 5, 2007 03:08 PM UTC

As a follow up on this I had a question about Captionbar. I am using dockingManager.VisualStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Office2003;
But I want to control the the height of captionbar(normal mode and in tabbed mode)...is it possible to do that?

>Hi Ashok,
>Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The behavior of our docking windows architecture conforms to the VS.NET's docking windows' behavior in every way. Presently (just like in VS.NET) it is not possible hide the caption bar of the docking windows. However, we could consider this as a feature request for a future release of Essential Suite. We appreciate your feedback on this issue.
>Guru Patwal
>Syncfusion, Inc.

MU Murugan Syncfusion Team February 5, 2007 11:48 PM UTC

Hi Sameer,

With the current implementation of docking manager, controlling the CaptionBar height is not possible. But we have already logged feature request in this regard. We will try our best to implement the feature in the nearer release version.

Here is the link

Feature Request #1188 - Ability to change the height of the captionbar

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

Murugan P.S

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 7, 2007 02:23 PM UTC

is there any way that we get notified that a feature is available now?

MU Murugan Syncfusion Team February 7, 2007 06:22 PM UTC

Hi Sameer,

We will keep you informed once the feature is implemented. You can also keep track of the feature implementation using the feature link posted in previous reply.

Murugan P.S

DJ David Jackson March 18, 2021 06:36 PM UTC

 The behavior of our docking windows architecture conforms to the VS.NET''s docking windows'' behavior in every way.

This statement is not correct. It is no possible to make a docked panel automatically fill the available space, there is always a gap. In Visual Studio there is no gap. Please see the image below. The center panel fills the space and continues to fill the space when resizing there is no gap.

There is no way to make this happen with dockingmanager control. You can dock Top or Bottom this is OK

But if If you try to dock using "Fill" you get this error.

'Docking control with DockingStyle.Fill to DockingManager's host control not allowed.'

BR Bharathi Rajakantham Syncfusion Team March 22, 2021 12:29 PM UTC

Hi David, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support, 
It is no possible to make a docked panel automatically fill the available space, there is always a gap. In Visual Studio there is no gap. Please see the image below. The center panel fills the space and continues to fill the space when resizing there is no gap. 
You can achieve your requirement “Docking windows without any gap” by set DockingManager’s property DockToFill as true.  Please find the code snippet and sample for the same. 
dockingManager1.DockToFill = true; 
Note: If you enable document mode, Document container will occupy the available empty space. 
But if  you try to dock using "Fill" you get this error. 
'Docking control with DockingStyle.Fill to DockingManager's host control not allowed.' 
Currently we have marked DockStyle.Fill type as obsolete and it is unusable.  We will consider the use case of this type and try to make it usable in future. 
Bharathi R 

DJ David Jackson March 22, 2021 06:28 PM UTC

Thank you

I wish I had found that before I wasted 6+ hours trying to make it work

BR Bharathi Rajakantham Syncfusion Team March 26, 2021 12:11 PM UTC

Hi David, 
Thanks for your update. 
We were happy to hear that the issue is resolved at your end. Please let us know if you have any other queries. We will be glad to assist you. 
Bharathi R 

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