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Navigation control arrow clicked event

The arrow clicked event doesn't seem to be firing in the GridRecordNavigationControl. It fires fine with the RecordNavigationBar. Is there some way I can get this working?

3 Replies

SH Stefan Hoenig Syncfusion Team September 10, 2002 03:37 PM UTC

> The arrow clicked event doesn't seem to be firing in the GridRecordNavigationControl. It fires fine with the RecordNavigationBar. > > Is there some way I can get this working? In the next release due out in a couple of days we'll have a CurrentRecordChanging and a CurrentRecordChanged event that will be fired from the RecordNavigationControl when the arrow buttons are clicked. That should solve your problem. Stefan

TR Trevor Redfern September 10, 2002 06:17 PM UTC

But that isn't exactly the arrowclicked event and those events appear to be working ok to me. > > The arrow clicked event doesn't seem to be firing in the GridRecordNavigationControl. It fires fine with the RecordNavigationBar. > > > > Is there some way I can get this working? > > In the next release due out in a couple of days we'll have a CurrentRecordChanging and a CurrentRecordChanged event that will be fired from the RecordNavigationControl when the arrow buttons are clicked. That should solve your problem. > > Stefan

CB Clay Burch Syncfusion Team September 11, 2002 07:41 AM UTC

If you want to catch the navigation bar ArrowButton event in a GridRecordNavigationControl, you can do so through its NavigationBar property by hooking the handler at runtime, say in Form_Load [C#] using Syncfusion.Windows.Forms; Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid; ..... //in Form_Load this.gridRecordNavigationControl1.NavigationBar.ArrowButtonClicked += new ArrowButtonEventHandler(HandleArrowButton); .... private void HandleArrowButton(object sender, ArrowButtonEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("HandleArrowButton"); } VB.NET Imports Syncfusion.Windows.Forms Imports Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid .... 'in Form_Load AddHandler Me.gridRecordNavigationControl1.NavigationBar.ArrowButtonClicked, AddressOf HandleArrowButton .... Private Sub HandleArrowButton(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ArrowButtonEventArgs) Console.WriteLine("HandleArrowButton"); End Sub

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