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Rowspan on PdfLightTable

Is there any way to get rowspan on PdfTableLight? I need to create merged cells in a pdf file to have a multi-row heading over some columns while keeping other columns headers to a single row If not is there an alternative way to build table that will allow this? I need to be able to control value text alignment and a variety of border combinations in the table and so far I have been able to do everything I want with PdfLightTable except find a way to merge rows.

If not can I somehow fake it using drawing within a merged cell on a single row?

Timothy Paul Narron


1 Reply

PJ Priyadharshini J Syncfusion Team February 1, 2011 09:18 AM UTC

Hi Timothy Paul Narron,

Thank you for your interest in syncfusion products.

We can create a table with row and column span using PdfGrid and this will provide the text alignment properties also. I have placed a simple sample for creating a table as showed in the attachment in the location below:

Kindly try this and let us know if you have any queries.


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