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Edit or insert row - how to force it to be saved?


I have a GridGroupingControl grid which allows the user to edit rows and to use the insertion row. There is a button on this form that will save any changes back to the database. However I have noticed that when you are editing a row (or if the user is in the insertion row and making changes) that the changes won't be saved. How can I force the grid to do this?

1 Reply

JJ Jisha Joy Syncfusion Team September 17, 2010 07:21 AM UTC

Hi David,

In the GridGroupingControl, the cells are saved recordwise. That is, the cells do not reflect any changes to the datasource unless, the cells move to next record or the record is EndEdited. For manually EndEditing the record when the cells is edited by handling the RecordValueChanged event. The code snippet is as follows.

void ggc_RecordValueChanged(object sender, RecordValueChangedEventArgs e)




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