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In the syncfusion grid , in each and every row i would like to add range of cells and display the total in the last cell.I have attached screen shot also.I would like to apply formula in the last cell (total).Help me in implement this feature in my grid.

Thanks and Regards,
Faizal Ahmed.H


1 Reply

MC Manickam Chidambaram Syncfusion Team September 7, 2010 06:29 AM UTC

Hi Faizal,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.

We suggest you to use “GridExpressionFieldDescriptor” of Grid control to achieve your requirement. By using this, the formula (expression) can be applied and the result is displayed in the seperate Grid cell. Please refer the below code snippet.


//page load of aspx
GridExpressionFieldDescriptor efd = new GridExpressionFieldDescriptor();
//Expression/formula to be used
efd.Expression = " [sun]+ [mon]+[tue]";
// Expression Field Descriptor Name
efd.Name = "Total";
// Adding Expression fields to the collection

In the above code, sun, mon and tue refers to column names in the Grid. Please try using the above code and let us know if it helps.


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