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Removing default blank row in griddataboundgrid

By default, there seems to be a blank row in the griddataboundgrid. After I assign my datasource and refresh the grid, I always have a blank row in addition to the data. How do I remove this blank row?

1 Reply

CB Clay Burch Syncfusion Team September 6, 2002 01:49 PM UTC

The GridDataBoundGrid.EnableAddNew property controls whether this append row is visible or not. If you set this property false in the designer, then that should be all that is necessary. But if you set it after the GridDataBoundGrid has already been populated, say in the Form_Load after the call to your DataAdapter.Fill method, then the append row is already present. So, if you set the property after the grid has been populated, you should also call ResetVolatileData to make sure the display reflects the new setting. this.gridDataBoundGrid1.EnableAddNew = false; //needed if grid has already been populated this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.ResetVolatileData();

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