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Keyboard selection of rows

We would like to have exactly "Outlook-like" behaviour for our GridDataBoundGrid. However, the grid does not respond appropriately to combination of shift key and arrow keys and combination of shift key + mouse clicks. The ideal behaviour would be as seen in the windows list view. I am forced to actually handle key-events manually and change the "selections" collection to have the desired behaviour. Am I missing any programming detail ? A sample application which handles keyboard events will be appreciated. Thanks, Supriya

5 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 20, 2003 04:42 PM UTC

If you set grid.ListBoxSelectionMode to MultiExtended, exactly what keys and clicks are not working as expected?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 24, 2003 01:18 AM UTC

I want the following features when my selection mode is MultiExtend. 1) I want to be able to run thgh the rows with the down arrow/up arrow pressed(as in outlook) Only on the release of the arrow, should the msg be acknowledged read. - ie Navigation thgh the rows with the arrow key in pressed state. 2) I want the Shift+Arrow(Up and down)keys combination to select multiple rows(without again acknowledging the msgs). 3) Selection of rows with the Ctrl + mouse click. ie. discrete non contiguous rows. Could you reply soon. Wud appreciate if there is a working sample. >If you set grid.ListBoxSelectionMode to MultiExtended, exactly what keys and clicks are not working as expected?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 24, 2003 07:52 AM UTC

There is no support in GridDataBoundGrid for 'previewing' a selected item. If you want to do something when a row is selected (like display something in a separate 'preview' window based on a selected row), then yes you will have to code the actions of getting the information you want to display, and showing it in your preview window exactly when you want it shown. But as far as the actual row selecting behavior you described, I see that behavior in a default grid with multiextended set. Ctl+Click works to select distinct rows (or even distinct row ranges if you drag while the ctl+mouse is down). It also extends the range when you hold down the shift key and use the arrows. Attached is such a default grid. If you do not see this default behavior in this sample, what version of our product are you using? I tried it with the that you can download from your support home page, and with the beta. In both cases, the crl and shift keys work in this sample as I expect. Am I missing something?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 24, 2003 10:16 AM UTC

I am unable to download the file. Could you attch the file again??? >There is no support in GridDataBoundGrid for ''previewing'' a selected item. > >If you want to do something when a row is selected (like display something in a separate ''preview'' window based on a selected row), then yes you will have to code the actions of getting the information you want to display, and showing it in your preview window exactly when you want it shown. > >But as far as the actual row selecting behavior you described, I see that behavior in a default grid with multiextended set. Ctl+Click works to select distinct rows (or even distinct row ranges if you drag while the ctl+mouse is down). It also extends the range when you hold down the shift key and use the arrows. Attached is such a default grid. If you do not see this default behavior in this sample, what version of our product are you using? I tried it with the that you can download from your support home page, and with the beta. In both cases, the crl and shift keys work in this sample as I expect. Am I missing something? >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 24, 2003 10:40 AM UTC

I am attaching file again with a different name. It is only a default GridDataBoundGrid with ListBoxSelectionMode set, dropped on a form, and then bound to a simple datatable. forumselectionmultiextended_1150.zip

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