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Cant do something REALLY simple


There really isnt much support documentation for the syncfusion controls, so Im having to work out how to use them by trial and error.

I've just started, and I'm completely stumped trying to do something really simple.

I want a grid with some data bound columns - yup, that simple but it dont work

All I get is a single grey block ?????

There is no data to bind at first, so I was expecting a line of column headers, but nothing !!!

When I try the same sort of thing on the really simplistic but confusing demos (LayoutControl - whats that ???), I get the same result when I bind no data.

Therefore, how can I show the columns when there are no rows


1 Reply

MS Mohamed Suhaib Fahad A. Syncfusion Team May 31, 2010 03:56 AM UTC

Hi Dean,

We request you to create a Direct Trac incident to follow up on this question.


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