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GridVisualStyle after Update


We have been developing an application with the Windows Forms Suite Now with the new version out we tried to update the libraries (uninstalling the previous version and installing the new suite) but it looks like as we're having troubles maintainig the previous GridVisualStyle. In fact, in the Forms Designer when changing that property it looks like as if the borders are changed according to the selected style, but the background of the headers keeps looking like SystemTheme.

We even checked the sample where you can switch the Visual Style of the grid and there it worked perfecly but for the grid in the sample, but not for a newly added grid to the same sample.

Don't know if this has been detected by someone else or if there's a way to solve this. Rebooting the system after install didn't work either. As for now, we have gone back to version 7 but we'd really like to know if there's a way solving this.

Thanks in advance

1 Reply

JJ Jisha Joy Syncfusion Team April 16, 2010 12:45 PM UTC


Can you please provide a simple sample that shows the issue?.


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