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Please help .... GridBoundColumn Lost StyleInfo

Hello Please help .... GridBoundColumn Lost StyleInfo SOS..SOS..SOS..SOS..SOS..SOS..SOS..SOS..SOS.. I am installing Essential Suite version (beta version). I set 2 GridBoundColumn only (Field1 & Field2) with misc StyleInfo, but after fill "Me.OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(Me.DataSet11)" display all Field from Table (DataSet11.Table1) and lost StyleInfo ?!??!?? '' ''GridBoundColumn1 '' Me.GridBoundColumn1.MappingName = "Field1" Me.GridBoundColumn1.StyleInfo.CellValueType = GetType(System.String) Me.GridBoundColumn1.StyleInfo.Interior = New Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(System.Drawing.Color.RosyBrown) '' ''GridBoundColumn2 '' Me.GridBoundColumn2.MappingName = "Field2" Me.GridBoundColumn2.StyleInfo.CellValueType = GetType(System.String) Me.GridBoundColumn2.StyleInfo.Interior = New Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange) please help me ..... exmble run on folder c:\kenix thank you ________________________________________ KENIX SA Web : www.kenix.gr Email : com@kenix.gr Phone : +30 2106084012 Mobile: +30 6976622010 Fax : +30 2106084013 Hiou 46, GR-15343, Agia Paraskevi Athens, Creece George Bakogiannis Managing Director Email : geob@kenix.gr Phone : +30 2106084012 Mobile: +30 6976622000 kenix_5867.zip

3 Replies

GB George Bakogiannis December 15, 2003 05:17 PM UTC

zip file

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 06:45 PM UTC

This is being caused by a bug in beta. It has been corrected. If you submit a Direct Trac support incident, we can furnish you with some DLLs until we can get the next beta out. Or, you can wait until the next beta, and get the fix there.

GB George Bakogiannis December 16, 2003 04:07 AM UTC

ALL IS OK !!!! Thank you ________________________________________ KENIX SA Web : www.kenix.gr Email : com@kenix.gr Phone : +30 2106084012 Mobile: +30 6976622010 Fax : +30 2106084013 Hiou 46, GR-15343, Agia Paraskevi Athens, Creece George Bakogiannis Managing Director Email : geob@kenix.gr Phone : +30 2106084012 Mobile: +30 6976622000

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