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Licensing Problem

I upgraded to SF a couple of weeks age and have been working on my application fine. This morning I am making some changes and at some point when I try to run I get an error that grdMain is not a valid object. I investigate and see that the SF Grid Controls are missing from my forms. I try to add one back and get: "A valid license cannot be granted for the type Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridModel. Contact the manufacturer of the cfomponent for more information." I tried to remove the license.licx file as stated in some of the forum responses, but still get the same thing. I completely uninstalled and reinstaled the SF product and still get the error. Any ideas? Using .NET Framework 1.1. Visual Studio 2003. VB. Windos XP Pro. ** !! This is really urgent. I have some people here this morning who flew in from out of town to review the new application. Any urgency you can apply to the situation would be greatly appreciated. !! ** Thanks. P.S. I tried to enter this incident through Direct-Trac but I got an error each time. Something about Clientwindow not valid.

24 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 12:04 PM UTC

I know you said, but I think this sounds like the 2.0 beta expiry behavior. This forum thread has a link to an update that extends the 2.0 beta, and I think will take care of this problem. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=9332

JC John Creviston December 15, 2003 12:15 PM UTC

Thanks, Clay. Is it possible that I have the Beta even though it says on the version property of the SyncFussion.GridContol reference in my project? How do I know what version I have istalled? Just want to make sure before I run the Beta Extender.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 12:21 PM UTC

Look in the GAC (\Windows\Assembly folder) to see what version of the Syncfusion.xxx.DLLs you see there. If you have done side-byside-installs and have used the assmebly manager to change versions, then you sould also look at the folder in Syncfusion\Essential Suite\PreCompiledAssemblies. This should show all installed versions.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 12:36 PM UTC

I guess I am running the Beta. I went into C:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite and looked at the properties on SyncFusion.dll and it shows veriosn 2.00.2. (I did not see any SyncFusion.DLL files in the GAC.) I am not sure how I got on the beta. I did not request to be on the beta. When I licensed the product I was sent the official intro email from SF sales with my id and password and a link to: http://www.syncfusion.com/squiffler/SyncfusionEssentialSuiteSetup.exe No mention of the beta and no way to tell what version from the link or downloaded file. I guess I will upgrade beta extender for now because I can''t wait. Do you have a link to the latest production - non-beta software? I don''t want to get expired again. This was all a surprise to me. Thanks.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 12:43 PM UTC

When I run the Beta extender it says: "Currently installed version Compability will be checked on deployment." So I don''t know which version I have. Can you help? Again this is urgent - Can we talk on the phone?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 01:05 PM UTC

I unistalled everything again. An made sure I could not add a reference to any SF product from within VS. I installed and I still have the problem. Also: in C:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite I have version for SyncFusion.Grid.Dll in C:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\PreCompiledAssemblies\ I have version Everything in the install said version Could the beta have been out in the install?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 01:08 PM UTC

Another piece of info: I tred to run the Beta Extender and it said "Beta no detected" and would not run.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 01:14 PM UTC

Having a Syncfusion.Grid.DLL in your Essential Suite folder is usual and not part of our standard install. Since you are uninstalling and reinstalling. Try this. Uninstall again. Then delete the Syncfusion folder. Then check the GAC, and delete any Syncfusion files you see there, including th e_FusionLic item if you see it. Then re-install. If you do this with, then you should only see in all places.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 01:28 PM UTC

Clay, I have the same exact problem. I installed the update this morning and am not able to compile my projects. I ahev opened an issue in direct trac. Cheers, MTK

MK MT Krishnan December 15, 2003 01:28 PM UTC

Clay, I have the same exact problem. I installed the update this morning and am not able to compile my projects. I ahev opened an issue in direct trac. Cheers, MTK

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 01:52 PM UTC

Clay, As you suggested, I uninstalled, and deleted the program files/syncfussion directory. After uninstalling, there was nothing in the GAC referrring to syncfusion. The license file was in the GAC before uninstalling but not there after uninstalling (btw, the file I saw before uninstall was named _FusionLic (without the leading "e"). Could some beta stuff have gotten inadvertently included with the release? Thanks, John C

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 02:34 PM UTC

Clay, I did not state explicitly in my last entry that that did not fix the problem. The problem is still occuring. John >Clay, >As you suggested, I uninstalled, and deleted the program files/syncfussion directory. After uninstalling, there was nothing in the GAC referrring to syncfusion. The license file was in the GAC before uninstalling but not there after uninstalling (btw, the file I saw before uninstall was named _FusionLic (without the leading "e"). > >Could some beta stuff have gotten inadvertently included with the release? > >Thanks, >John C >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 03:12 PM UTC

Try this. Unzip this file. 1) Copy the file to Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Assemblies 2) Also copy the file to Syncfusion\Essential Suite\PreCompiledAssemblies\ 3) The run the Assembly Manager from the Syncfusion Start menu, and choose the Default PreBuilt Release from the DropDown. Hopefully, this will take care of this problem.

MK MT Krishnan December 15, 2003 03:34 PM UTC

Hi Clay, That worked. In the "Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite" folder there is a Syncfusion.Grid.Dll which has a version of The Syncfusion.Shared.dll also has the same version number. Is this an error with the 1.6.18 installer? Cheers, MTK.

MK MT Krishnan December 15, 2003 03:51 PM UTC

More info.. It works fine only when adding a grid control a fresh. It does not work fine on forms that already have a grid control. It fails when my licenses.licx reads Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridControl, Syncfusion.Grid, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89 Cheers, MTK.

MK MT Krishnan December 15, 2003 03:55 PM UTC

Here is more info on what I see for forms that already have a grid control. The reference changes back to the Syncfusion.Grid.Dll in "Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite" on compiling. I explicitly set a reference to the Syncfusion.Grid.Dll in the "Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Assemblies" folder and the .NET IDE changes the reference back to the Syncfusion.Grid.Dll in "Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite". Cheers, MTK.

MK MT Krishnan December 15, 2003 05:04 PM UTC

On further investigation I figured it was a databound grid control that is causing the problem. So I replaced the _FusionLic.dll with the version that was in, and the Syncfusion.*.dll in "Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite" with that from "Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Assemblies", ran the Assembly manager and set the values the "default prebuilt release", and I was able to get the the data bound grid to show on screen. I have a class that extends the GridBoundContol. This class has a property that is of type GridColumnInfo. I get an exception when setting this property to null. The exception thrown is "System.IO.FileLoadException". Addl info: The located assembly''s manifest definition with name "Syncfusion.Grid" does not match the assembly reference." Does the syncfusion.tools.dll being version have anything to do with it? Cheers, MTK

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 06:43 PM UTC

You can just delete the licx file, and it will be re-generated as needed. Here is a KB link on this problem. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/article.aspx?id=568 Essential Tools requires the Shared and Grid assemblies, and the tools assembly must have been built with the same versions of these assemblies. So, if you are using or grid and shared, then you should be using od tools. So, the GAC should contain all DLL''s.

MK MT Krishnan December 15, 2003 07:34 PM UTC

The setup creates the Syncfusion.Grid.DLL, Syncfusion.Shared.DLL and Syncfusion.Tools.DLL all with version Will you be releasing a new setup package soon with the correct versions of Grid DLLs and the correct version of the _FusionLic.dll too? The reason being we are using fixes from that other developers in my team need. We are upgrading from version to Cheers, MTK.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 07:43 PM UTC

Clay, The fixed License file worked for me. Thank you for all the great help today. John C

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 15, 2003 08:08 PM UTC

The available for download from your support home page does not install What I would try is to run the Assembly Manager, but instead of choosing Prebuilt Default, look and see if is in the droplist. If it is, choose it. The PreBuilt Default will install the latest (highest verson number) that has been installed on your system. If this is on your system, this would explain why you are seeing this version.

MK MT Krishnan December 16, 2003 01:20 PM UTC

Hi Clay, Here is what I did from this morning. * I uninstalled the Syncfusion Grid * Deleted the program files\Syncfusion folder * ensured that the Syncfusion.Grid and Syncfusin.Shared do not show in the c:\winnt\assembly folder * downloaded the latest version of the from the direct trac website. The download URL from Direct Trac shows Ver is available at http://www.syncfusion.net/squiffler/patches/v1618/syncfusionessentialsuitesetup.exe * installed the syncfusionessentialsuitesetup.exe On installing this setup.exe, there are 3 files the Grid, Shared and tools with ver in the "C:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite" folder. The size of the syncfusionessentialsuitesetup.exe I downloaded is 74,026,991 bytes. Do I have the correct version? To add, I am not on your beta mailing list. Wonder how the files got there. Cheers, MTK.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 16, 2003 02:13 PM UTC

I am sorry, I was mistaken. There are syncfusion.DLL''s installed in the Essential Suite folder, but those DLL''s are signed with a diffferent key from the actual product DLL''s. Those DLL''s are private versions used only to support the DevCenter application. (The reason there are private assemblies for this application is that it frees us for having to do new DevCenter builds for each release.) So, the version of those files in the Essential Suite folder should play no role as far as the actual version of the product DLLs because of the different keys. After you installed, did you use the steps listed on this webpage to replace the license DLL that is causing this problem? http://www.syncfusion.net/squiffler/patches/v1618/lic_update.htm

MK MT Krishnan December 16, 2003 02:38 PM UTC

Hi Clay, It worked on all projects except on one. The reason it didn''t work on that one project was that there was a reference path set to "Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite" folder.. which made .NET pick the version of the control instead of the version. Removing the bad reference path (from Project properties->Common Properties->Reference Paths) made things right. My bad. Thanks a lot for your help. Cheers, MTK.

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