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Two state BarItem in a toolbar

Does the baritem support a 2 state button similar to toolbar items within the .NET studio environment. For example on the properties window within the .NET studio, there is the option to select properties sorted by catagory or alphabetized. And when users click on one the button changes to selected state to let the user know how the properties are sorted. Do the tool bar tools also support this functionality (I could not find an example of this nor was this implemented in the VS.NET demo). Thanks, Vikram.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 12, 2003 07:02 PM UTC

Hi Vikram, You can do what you are looking for by through the Checked property of the BarItem. Kindly take a look at the XPMenusMDI sample located in the Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Tools\samples\Menus Package\XPMenusMDI directory. Run the sample and click on the "Themes Enabled" and "Custom Colors" for a demonstration of what you are looking for. Regards, Arun

DM Desis Machino December 12, 2003 07:20 PM UTC

Yes this shows 2 states but it simply draws a rectangle around the button selected. Is there a way to duplicate the functionality provided in the .NET studio, where the button selected changes color (as in the example described in the previous message with properties).

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 12, 2003 08:05 PM UTC

Hi Vikram Thanks for your clarification. The Essential Tools team will look at changing the color of the baritem when selected and I will post an update as soon as I have more information on this issue. Regards Arun

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