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Notification when autohide?

Is there any notification sent when a docked panel's autohide state changes? I've got a control that needs to do some work when the control is resized in order to paint itself and I'd like to bypass this logic if the control is being resized due to it being autohidden or restored. Currently, when the control autohides itself or redisplays itself (when the mouse is moved over the tab for the control), the operation takes a long time since the control needs to resize itself many times during the operation. Thanks, Tony

1 Reply

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team September 4, 2002 02:11 PM UTC

Hi Tony, The docking windows implementation does not generate any events when a control is shown or hidden in the autohide mode. I have submitted a feature request and we will do our best to provide this in a future version of Essential Tools. As for the resizing in the autohide mode, we have a QA report on the frequency of the resizes that take place for tabbed groups and are currently looking into the problem. This will definitely be optimized before the next release of Essential Tools. Prakash Syncfusion, Inc.

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